January 10, 2024 00:27:19
The Feel Weird Podcast

Jan 10 2024 | 00:27:19


Show Notes

This time round Sam (kyd blu) and Liam were challenged to collate their own personal Top Ten Best Albums of all time and merge them into a COMBINED Top Ten, which lets just say ended in LOTS of disagreement. 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Right, collate, combine to make a combined top ten albums of all time. [00:00:18] Speaker B: But not. But in our opinion. [00:00:20] Speaker A: In our opinion, because it'd be top. [00:00:21] Speaker B: Albums of all time that I know it's a top album, but it is thriller. [00:00:25] Speaker A: No, Fleetwood Mac. [00:00:27] Speaker B: Like Thriller and Fleetwood Mac might be in there. [00:00:28] Speaker A: Yeah, true. No, like critics choice. No, just like our choice. [00:00:32] Speaker B: My choice. [00:00:33] Speaker A: But we've got to combine on ten. Now, the reason I'm grimacing is because I struggled to get down from 42. [00:00:39] Speaker B: Yes, fair. [00:00:40] Speaker A: So I don't know about you, but I've introduced some little rules in mind. [00:00:43] Speaker B: Go ahead. [00:00:44] Speaker A: So I'll let myself have three. [00:00:45] Speaker B: Okay. [00:00:47] Speaker A: Three that are important to me as a musician. Three like throwback ones that I grew up with and just three that I couldn't say no to, really. I gave up with the four. I gave up with the other four. [00:00:59] Speaker B: There's a few I can let go of. [00:01:01] Speaker A: Okay. [00:01:01] Speaker B: If I had to. [00:01:02] Speaker A: Well, I'll be honest, I'm lucky. [00:01:03] Speaker B: But if. We'll go one after another. If you say one, I go, it's in, is locked in. And maybe it has to come out later, but we're going to have to keep trying. Remember these? Go on. [00:01:14] Speaker A: Well, my top three were the only ones I could put in order. [00:01:16] Speaker B: Go ahead. [00:01:16] Speaker A: And the rest I struggle with. [00:01:18] Speaker B: Go ahead. [00:01:18] Speaker A: My number one, which is immovable, is my beautiful doubt to see fantasy by Kenya. I think it's both the best album ever made and it's also the most important album to me as a musician. [00:01:31] Speaker B: I can't seek beats of the second one. The first one's obviously wrong, even though I'm also a diode Kenya fan, because I've got graduation in there. No, it's not better. But for me, I'll allow my dark, twisted, beautiful fantasy. [00:01:45] Speaker A: You'll allow it because it's correct. [00:01:46] Speaker B: I'll allow it because I know that it's a better album. But being that graduation was the first album I ever bought in seven or so, it's hard because it's got a nostalgia factor in it first. [00:01:57] Speaker A: I should add as well that I'm allowing myself to only do one album from each of my favorite artists because otherwise I could have done this top ten of Kylie album. [00:02:06] Speaker B: Yeah, you have six gold. [00:02:06] Speaker A: Because for the same reason, I know that my beautiful dad Twisted fantasy is not going anywhere, but there's at least another five or six that I consider goaded albums for sure. [00:02:15] Speaker B: No, that's fair. [00:02:16] Speaker A: Apart from Kendrick, I couldn't split to. [00:02:18] Speaker B: No, we'll get there when we get there. We'll struggle, but that's fine. I might be to lock that in, number one. So remember that. [00:02:22] Speaker A: Now, number two is. [00:02:25] Speaker B: Are you doing your whole. [00:02:26] Speaker A: No, I'm just going to do those three. Give me three. I know you're not going to agree with this, and I know wags about this conversation. [00:02:32] Speaker B: Well, it'll get dashed. [00:02:33] Speaker A: And it's Igor, title creator. [00:02:35] Speaker B: Yeah, it's getting dashed. [00:02:35] Speaker A: It's not getting dashed. It's getting dashed because that's the first album. It was the first album I listened to as a fairly decent producer. And when it came out at midnight, I think I listened to it on repeating till about 05:00 a.m. And it just, like, flipped my mind. And it's just the whole instrumentation, everything's just mental on it. It'sick. And it was the first time I was an actually Tyler creator fan and then listened to a new album. I'd got into all of the Flower boy and everything, like, late. I was late to the Tyler game. But he goes immovable with me. And I do think it's a better album than Flower boy. I think it's a better album. I think Flowerboy is a better rap album, better hip hop album. [00:03:16] Speaker B: That's the only part I can wildly disagree with. Not because. What the hell. [00:03:19] Speaker A: Listen, ego is a commercial album, I'll admit. More commercial, should I say, than Flower boy? [00:03:24] Speaker B: Listen, Igor is the Jesus of his catalog. No, that's not. [00:03:30] Speaker A: No, but not because you think Jesus is like the crazy out there. [00:03:35] Speaker B: Most commercial album, Igor and all the japanese 90s city pop references and what's it called? [00:03:43] Speaker A: Yeah, what's the term? [00:03:44] Speaker B: Samples that he put in there. I get it is great. There's some skips in there, no question. Shut up. You are. [00:03:55] Speaker A: Zero. [00:03:56] Speaker B: Listen, Flower boy has actually zero skips. No, it doesn't. You haven't heard it properly. [00:04:01] Speaker A: I asked. I love the album. I love Flower boy. [00:04:03] Speaker B: Did you forget Frank Ocean's on there? Yeah. Did you forget Rex Orange car is on there? Yeah. I love that song. Did you forget? And he's not even credited. You have to listen for it. But listen, I'm getting out of no skips. [00:04:17] Speaker A: How many songs on that album? [00:04:18] Speaker B: Probably 1112. [00:04:19] Speaker A: There's a lot. I'm sure there's way more than that. [00:04:21] Speaker B: No, there's not. There's not that many. [00:04:22] Speaker A: Go on, carry on. [00:04:23] Speaker B: That album is different because it's taking people like Roy Ayers and getting samples from him and his very smooth funk style in those songs. Different gravy. That album is 100 times better than Igor. I can hear what you're saying and I don't even know critically, which album would they say is better production wise, but everything else to the artwork is even better. Every single thing about that album is better. [00:04:48] Speaker A: See, 14 songs. I'm telling you right now. Forward tune where they flow. Booms TUne sometimes I'd skip see you again. Great tune. Who that boy? Great tune. Paul. Great tune. Garden shed. I do skip that sometimes. Boredom. Tune I ain't got time. Tune 911 Miss Lonely. Great tune. Dropping seeds skip November. It's all right, glitter skip. [00:05:09] Speaker B: Enjoy November. [00:05:10] Speaker A: Skip, I didn't say November. [00:05:12] Speaker B: You just said November. [00:05:12] Speaker A: All right, glitter skip. Enjoy. Right now, today, skip ego. I wouldn't skip any of them. Genuinely would not skip any of them. [00:05:19] Speaker B: Well, that's going to have to. They're both going to get taken out in the top ten. [00:05:22] Speaker A: Bollocks to that. [00:05:23] Speaker B: Neither of them are getting bollocks to that because I'm not shifting. You're not shifting. [00:05:26] Speaker A: Puppet is the only tune I will skip on ego and that's got Kanye on it. [00:05:30] Speaker B: I'm just not feeling it. I just can't get behind. You're listening to it in the middle of the night where you can't fully. [00:05:35] Speaker A: Appreciate because you're listening to it since that 05:00 a.m.. Stint. [00:05:38] Speaker B: Listen, I hear that, but it's not going in the top ten. Then so far we've got high. Listen, I'd rather on both than. [00:05:44] Speaker A: I've not. [00:05:45] Speaker B: I've given you the first one, so I skipped mine. So I've not skipped mine twice. So we'll give you it. [00:05:50] Speaker A: Right. My third one because I'll only do my. I'll do my top three and then we can go. [00:05:57] Speaker B: You better hope I agree because my. [00:05:58] Speaker A: Immovable one is blonde. Not sound like a cliche. There's no way you're going to say. [00:06:04] Speaker B: Channel Orange or some shit, aren't you? No, listen, I'll allow it. I'm going to allow it. I'm going to allow it in because I know it's the better album. Even though I think that it's a level two. It's the sequel for Channel Orange. In terms of the production and everything that goes, it's a lot more simple. [00:06:22] Speaker A: But London's not more simple. [00:06:24] Speaker B: No, not. I'm talking about more is the simple record. I think it's a good level two for it with everything that it does. Do I think the songs are better? No. I think a lot of Frank's best songs are not even on his albums. He just puts singles. DHL. Not on an album. Chanel. Not on an album. So I think if those were on it and some of those extras, then maybe. But there's no tune that's even close to, like, pyramids and that whole pyramids is one of my. [00:06:54] Speaker A: Probably number two, my all time favorite. [00:06:56] Speaker B: Songs that came out in, what, 2010, 2011, that album. And it's still being. People still banging that. Yeah, but same with blonde. Catchy. What song are people listening from? Blonde. [00:07:05] Speaker A: You're telling me people don't listen to blonde? [00:07:07] Speaker B: Sure, people listen to pink and white when they're studying, but they're not nice people talk about all the time. I've heard it too many times now. Oh, you have? [00:07:14] Speaker A: So no one does, then? [00:07:17] Speaker B: What I'm saying is I'm going to allow it. [00:07:20] Speaker A: White Ferrari. [00:07:20] Speaker B: Yeah. Big tune. [00:07:21] Speaker A: Godspeed. [00:07:22] Speaker B: Big tune. [00:07:23] Speaker A: All of them. [00:07:24] Speaker B: Not all of blonde. Big tune. [00:07:26] Speaker A: Blonde. Especially the production, the musicality, everything about it is a better album. [00:07:30] Speaker B: Channel Orange also. [00:07:32] Speaker A: Channel Orange is double the tunes. [00:07:34] Speaker B: Not quiet boys. [00:07:36] Speaker A: It kind of is. I'm sure there's only like, ten on blonde and I think there's like, 1617 on the channel. It's a big album. [00:07:41] Speaker B: I'm going to allow it. [00:07:42] Speaker A: There's more skips on. [00:07:43] Speaker B: I'm going to allow it because I'm actually not stubborn like you and I can allow it. So I've given you two of your top three. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Yeah, but they were my removable one. [00:07:51] Speaker B: That's fine. And I've given you two of them. [00:07:53] Speaker A: The rest is going to go a lot easier to give me your fourth, then. [00:07:56] Speaker B: Well, actually, I can give you my top. These are in any order. Mine are just ten. [00:08:00] Speaker A: Yeah, same after my free. I just gave up with all. [00:08:02] Speaker B: And I'm hoping one or two. I go this, you go. Dash it in. Okay, we're good. [00:08:06] Speaker A: What's probably easy, you just do the rest of yours and now. And then I'll do. [00:08:08] Speaker B: We've got Kanye in there for the first one. [00:08:11] Speaker A: All right. Yeah, we've got. We gave up on the title. [00:08:16] Speaker B: I've already forgot. No, we just said it. [00:08:18] Speaker A: Oh, blonde. [00:08:18] Speaker B: We got blonde number two. I've got same. Impala Currents 2015. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Knowing you, though, I will be surprised if you know every single song on that album. [00:08:27] Speaker B: I genuinely do. And every. [00:08:28] Speaker A: Because I've only ever heard you play less and all the better. [00:08:30] Speaker B: True, but they're the big time tunes. But I do know the full album and I think it's not just because it's cliche to be that album. Yeah, that's what their best album is. Their best album. His best album. [00:08:44] Speaker A: It's not one guy. [00:08:45] Speaker B: Well, anyway, it doesn't matter. [00:08:47] Speaker A: Eventually is the most underrated tune on that. I think that's the best tune on the album. [00:08:50] Speaker B: It's not the best tune in the album, but I think it's a very good tune. Obviously, I put graduation, but I'll dash it. Channel orange. [00:08:58] Speaker A: And Channel Orange hits me, too. [00:08:59] Speaker B: I'll dash it. Those three Stevie wonder songs in the key, life. That's an easy four. That's an easy four. No, that's my desert island one record. That's what I'm listening to. So we're at four. [00:09:11] Speaker A: I mean, the other thing is, I struggled with my list so much that I had to dip some of the classics. [00:09:17] Speaker B: You can't dip too many, I've got. [00:09:18] Speaker A: But I'm going to struggle to dip Stevie there. [00:09:20] Speaker B: So four, then I'll get. If you don't want to put this in, but for me, this will have to put in. Nas Illmatic is the most pure example of a hip hop album that will ever exist. My take is if aliens came down, they said, give me what? What's this hip hop. Give me one album that will perfectly tell me what it is in ten tracks. It's Nas illmatic. [00:09:48] Speaker A: That's a fair argument, but I'd honestly give them a Kendrick album. [00:09:51] Speaker B: But listen, I get that. But that's developed. That would never happen without nards. But listen, those ten tracks, you know how old he was when he started. [00:09:59] Speaker A: By that knowledge, though, you'd give him back. [00:10:00] Speaker B: Listen, he was 17 when he started working the album and it was out before he was 20. Think about some of the 17 year olds in your life that you know and think, could they put together melt? Could they put together a record? [00:10:13] Speaker A: Like, listen, I can tell you that he's a genius, but if you don't. [00:10:17] Speaker B: Want to put it in, I will accept genius. But just so you know, that would be in my top ten, solidified. But again, there's only ten slots and we're already at four. [00:10:26] Speaker A: Put it this way, I'm getting rid of. I stopped at 42. There's still more I'm going to real struggle to put in now. [00:10:32] Speaker B: We'll take it out, but the next one is going in, and there's no. [00:10:35] Speaker A: Way you, because you're just as big. [00:10:36] Speaker B: As fan as I am, Michael Jackson's bud, you cannot go without leave me alone. All these classics, Diana, the tracks in that album, there's not one song in there that isn't an enormous hit. Off the top of my head, every single song is like his most famous song. [00:10:56] Speaker A: Yeah, but this is. I thought, I know you might think. [00:10:58] Speaker B: Off the wall might be a better record or some of. [00:11:01] Speaker A: I preferred the album off the wall, but yeah, because the reason I'm struggling here is because I thought I can sit and debate the top ten best albums critically. [00:11:10] Speaker B: But I'm saying for me as well, though, really. Yeah, but you know, I'm a big Michael fan as you are as well. So he has to go five. That's five. Just don't know that has to go five. [00:11:20] Speaker A: I don't even think it's his best album. It's not even my favorite Michael Jackson album. [00:11:23] Speaker B: Well, yeah, thriller would be his. [00:11:24] Speaker A: Probably his best. But off the wall is my favorite. [00:11:27] Speaker B: It makes sense. Early Michael Black Michael. I get it. [00:11:32] Speaker A: Let's move on. [00:11:33] Speaker B: Let's move on. Next one, I got Kendrick in there. This will be on six. Google King Man City. [00:11:39] Speaker A: Yeah, 100%. Yeah, that's mine. [00:11:41] Speaker B: There was a lot of back and forth, such as you. [00:11:45] Speaker A: I will by week switch my order. Well, I'll switch my order between that and pimple butterfly. I won't switch my order from the rest. I do think Mr. Morale on the big step is underrated. And I think if anyone else made it would be called one of the best albums ever made. But because it's Kendrick, it's not even his top three. No, but I do think it's a fantastic album. And damn, I think flawless album. [00:12:05] Speaker B: The crazy thing dam being his for me is what, third, 4th worst best album. And that's the one that won a Pulitzer prize. [00:12:13] Speaker A: Mad, isn't it? [00:12:14] Speaker B: Which shows the great music equivalent though. [00:12:16] Speaker A: Of when Leo won his Oscar. They gave it him because they felt bad they didn't give him the ones. He deserved it. But I do think Dam's the most commercial album. But the reason Dam has a special place in my heart is because like ego, dam was the first album I listened to where it came out. Know, as a big fan, I was a big fan of Kendrick and I got to experience, you know, how much a Kendrick fan, whereas the rest I came to after release. So I do love damn, but it's good kid and pimple butterfly that I'll flip between. And they were the only two I allowed of the same artists in my top ten. [00:12:44] Speaker B: But that's six. Now we've got six solidified. [00:12:47] Speaker A: No, we don't solidified. [00:12:49] Speaker B: You need to be. [00:12:50] Speaker A: We are moving on. We're going to move on. [00:12:51] Speaker B: We'll come back so I don't fight right now. We're going to. If in my head it's in Flower boy, which I've already dashed, that's fine. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Okay. [00:13:01] Speaker B: It does hurt me. [00:13:02] Speaker A: There's no tyler in this. I'd rather have both than none. [00:13:05] Speaker B: My next two, I could both leave because they're both more records I really love. Yes, that I know you like or still love one of them, but not an offer of a like. I know you've got some of them I've forgotten about, which I'll happily let take over. [00:13:19] Speaker A: At six. [00:13:20] Speaker B: I got tribal quest, midnight Marauders, which is troutquest is still the first, the oldest music memory I had in skate and destroy ps one. I'm taking it back to the ps one. Skate and destroy they had, I think it was a ward tour and another tribe song. I have to go back and check we're in the soundtrack and this is like 2000. So I'm four or five max years. [00:13:46] Speaker A: Old. [00:13:49] Speaker B: Depending on how late in the year I was playing it. I was four or five years old and I remember hearing tribal quest. [00:13:55] Speaker A: Sorry. Listen, I've got your mom. I need a word for your mom. [00:13:59] Speaker B: This tribe called Quest, they're mostly like that is ll cool j what mothers let a four year old listen to? Tribe called Quest? Yeah, but it's ps one. They didn't have the regulations. I think also the tracks are in there. Award I'm pretty sure is pretty standard and not blue in any way. But that's one that's very special. I know. I don't remember it from then, but I remember listening to it years later and going, I know this song. And then looking up the soundtrack and going, I remember that last one. This is the most left field. You would never guess it, but it's an album that taught me how to play the drums because I would listen to this and you know, you know it a thousand times inside out and you go, do you want to guess? [00:14:41] Speaker A: Is it 30 seconds to Mars or something? [00:14:43] Speaker B: It's not. But I did also learn drums from 30 seconds. [00:14:45] Speaker A: It's some kind of limb biscuit rock. [00:14:47] Speaker B: It's not Lim Bizkit Paramore riot, which is filled. It is close, which is filled. That would have been my thing with great tunes. But I would just try and play like their drummer. I want to say, zach, at the time I am okay. And that's what taught me how to play the jumps. Go and go. I've heard Cross, cross cross a million times. I'm going to try and play it now. [00:15:06] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:07] Speaker B: And then I did. [00:15:07] Speaker A: This is where we're going to struggle. [00:15:08] Speaker B: On a combined one, though. [00:15:10] Speaker A: Exactly. This is where I'm going to struggle on a combined one, though, because I have the same stories for albums that you're not going to know, too. That I feel like I don't know. Anyway, keen hopes and fears is an album I grew up with and I still think it's one of the best albums ever made. I think there's no skips on it, but I get spit left field. And the other one is only by the night Kings of Leon. I think that's one of the most underrated rock albums ever made. Well, say rocks when that come out. Six. [00:15:42] Speaker B: Yeah, I was just going to guess seven. Okay. [00:15:45] Speaker A: To think that's the one with Sex on Fire. On. Sex on Fire is not even in the top eleven tracks of that album. Every song. And it's brilliant, but it's built out of the Paramount one. That was one of the first albums that. [00:15:55] Speaker B: But I can't. For a collective one, it can't go on my list. [00:15:59] Speaker A: I get it. That's what I mean. I'm going to show, as I said. [00:16:00] Speaker B: I'm not putting the last two. [00:16:02] Speaker A: That's why I put these nostalgia ones in. And where's my other nostalgia one? My other nostalgia one is the first album I ever bought myself and it's maverick Saber, lonely are the brave. [00:16:11] Speaker B: Are you a big maverick saber fan? [00:16:13] Speaker A: And I think because I struggle because I still listen to that album now and it's just. I mean, it's so sick. But it's like, cool again. It's like, because it's ten years old, it's now cool again. [00:16:24] Speaker B: Is he still doing bits? [00:16:25] Speaker A: Yeah, man. But it's like when you got to think, when did that come out? 2000 and 910. Eleven. He's playing D'Angelo samples. I'd never experienced the same time when. [00:16:37] Speaker B: I remember hearing, I think similar 2009 when he did jungle with Professor Green, which was a big fat tune. Yeah, that's a great tune. [00:16:46] Speaker A: But that was more of his uk hip hop stuff, I think. But he's got so much soul stuff in there that just took me to a new place. Not in there as well, but again, this is the thing. I'm going to struggle because that, like, I tried to view my ten album as desert island again kind of thing, but give me everything. Yeah, I didn't want to put ten hip hop albums. [00:17:06] Speaker B: I've got funk hip hop. I've got Michael. I've got everything. Go on, keep going. [00:17:14] Speaker A: Okay. [00:17:14] Speaker B: How many more have you got? Well, don't say 41. [00:17:17] Speaker A: No, because to pinpoint if I already said I've got two more, my nine and ten will no order Arthur Monkey's first album, whatever people say, that's what I'm not. I think that is the birth of. People will disagree with this, but I think that album is the birth of indie rock, and I think that changed the game of the british music industry. And I think it's a flawless album with those kids. And I'm going to struggle to let go of that one, because I think that actually changed the music scene in the UK. [00:17:46] Speaker B: I'll allow it because he's joining us. I'll allow it, but that, plus us to seven if you don't include Michael. [00:17:51] Speaker A: Okay. And last one, I know you're not going to put in, but it changed me as a songwriter and it's diagnosed freudian, which I know you're probably not going to put in, but I still listen to every song, every single song about. [00:18:01] Speaker B: To this day, I don't listen to every single song of that album, but the few songs there that I know and I really like. I rinse. [00:18:06] Speaker A: Rinse. [00:18:07] Speaker B: Yeah, but I can't put it in, obviously. It's a great. [00:18:09] Speaker A: Okay, so now we're going to struggle and get this in a ten, right? [00:18:11] Speaker B: Okay, so three more. And I'm hoping there's an artist that you've not mentioned that I haven't met. [00:18:15] Speaker A: That's my ten. I got my beautiful dad to see, fantasy, ego, blonde, maverick, saber, Kingsley on, keen, pimple, butterfly, good kick, good kick, bad city, attic, monkeys and Freddie. [00:18:26] Speaker B: That's a fair ten, you know. So neither of us put a Coldplay album in. [00:18:30] Speaker A: I struggled up because I couldn't take one. [00:18:32] Speaker B: I couldn't because there was too many songs that I loved from loads of different albums. Like whatever album you said I was going to agree with. [00:18:38] Speaker A: Plus, the other thing is, with Coldplay, I think parachutes is. Chris Martin's such a genius that I think each album's so different. But I feel like parachutes is like a songwriter's mean, like, you know, a guy in a guitar writing songs. Then you got, like, the Milo Delos, where it gets a bit more electronic and stuff. [00:18:59] Speaker B: Like Xyloton. [00:19:00] Speaker A: Yeah, whatever. [00:19:01] Speaker B: You might be right. [00:19:02] Speaker A: No, I always just call it that. [00:19:03] Speaker B: You might be right. I only know it as Milo Xylitol. [00:19:05] Speaker A: But I think Viva Levida or Russia, blood to the head are the two that I would like take to the ground. [00:19:10] Speaker B: If you said any of them, I would have fallen back because I would have just wanted your opinion. Because all of those, I think are flawless and I would have succeed. [00:19:19] Speaker A: I think I'll actually swap my Kingsley on if you did. [00:19:23] Speaker B: I think that would be a wise. [00:19:25] Speaker A: Because at Kingsleyon, the reason it's in my list is because I've got it written down somewhere that I always forget about that album, even though it's one of the best albums I've made. But I think for the sake of us fitting it in there, I will swap it for people of either. [00:19:37] Speaker B: It's a good swap. That takes us to eight. We have two more slots. [00:19:41] Speaker A: Wait, so go on. What's the eight? No order. Forget the order. I can't do that. [00:19:46] Speaker B: We've got two more. [00:19:46] Speaker A: Yeah, but forget the order. But what was the eight we've agreed on? So, Kanye. [00:19:51] Speaker B: Kanye. Tame Impala, blonde, songs of the key. [00:19:55] Speaker A: This is us. [00:19:56] Speaker B: Michael Jackson, you agree? Tame Impala is going in there. [00:19:58] Speaker A: Tame Impala is not a better album than that kings of Leon album. [00:20:01] Speaker B: I didn't say it was, but it's not going. I've also given you, like, four, so you can shut your mouth. I've lost my count as well. I've saw it. Tim Power's best album. I can't talk to you right now. And you said, like, two or three more and I don't remember what they were. [00:20:18] Speaker A: Right. Fantasy blonde. Are we putting both kettling trick albums in? [00:20:25] Speaker B: Put them both in. [00:20:26] Speaker A: So that's four. [00:20:27] Speaker B: Takes us to nine. Carry on with your count. [00:20:30] Speaker A: That's four. [00:20:30] Speaker B: Carry on with your counting. Then that takes us to nine in total. We'll carry on. [00:20:34] Speaker A: Okay, wait, so we're going for a ten here now we're going to rebuild. Get the order, Kanye. Beautiful dancers, fancy blonde, pimple butterfly, Cookie, Mad City. [00:20:43] Speaker B: Yeah. Songs of the key, life. [00:20:45] Speaker A: I can't argue with that. That's fair. Coldplay. [00:20:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:20:49] Speaker A: So it's six that are removable? [00:20:51] Speaker B: Yeah. I'd say that Michael Jackson. Bad. Behave. Sam. Put it in the. He's bigger than the queen and queen. Put it in. [00:20:59] Speaker A: I'm not disagreeing with even. It's not even my favorite Michael album. I'd rather have thriller over that. [00:21:06] Speaker B: You want off the wall now? We can put in there. Or thriller. Fine. [00:21:08] Speaker A: I prefer off the wall. [00:21:09] Speaker B: Put it in there. Fine. [00:21:10] Speaker A: Okay, Michael, put it in there. And then what was the others? [00:21:15] Speaker B: I can't have tame in parlor's album. My other ones that are not on there that you've mentioned that I've already skipped. Because I gave up Kendrick, gave up Frank Ocean. For others was Nazil Matic. There was Flowerboy, tribal quest, midnight Marauders and Riot, Paramount. I should double check. I think midnight Marauders came out the year I was born. Maybe. [00:21:36] Speaker A: See, I'm struggling. We've got three more. I'm struggling there because I feel like we've covered hip hop with 200 albums. [00:21:43] Speaker B: We are. [00:21:43] Speaker A: And that's unfair to say on tribe called Quest. Yeah, but for the sake of what we're going for Paramore going in ahead of that crimson. [00:21:54] Speaker B: It's not going ahead of. [00:21:56] Speaker A: I know you like hopes and fears as well. Surely you think that's a better album than Paramore. I get why specifically. [00:22:01] Speaker B: I don't. I actually don't. [00:22:03] Speaker A: You are. [00:22:04] Speaker B: Just because I think you are smoking. [00:22:05] Speaker A: The meth, my friend. [00:22:06] Speaker B: I'm genuinely not. It's too difficult. I've always settled on eight. We'll have to settle on eight then, because there's ones that you won't shift. That I won't shift. It can't happen. [00:22:17] Speaker A: Wait, so with three more yours remaining. Three were Nas, triclock, Quest and Paramore. [00:22:22] Speaker B: And also the Kanye album you let me skip and the Frank Ocean you let me skip. [00:22:27] Speaker A: Yeah, but, like, for that. [00:22:28] Speaker B: For our last. But, yeah. I can't have two artists I don't. [00:22:31] Speaker A: Remember putting another finger down. I'm confused. Run the tape. What? You're mouthing from behind the camera. [00:22:42] Speaker B: Oh, what'd you say? [00:22:44] Speaker A: Arty monkeys. I ain't shifting on that. [00:22:45] Speaker B: I'm absolutely not shifting. [00:22:47] Speaker A: I would rather give you one I don't like than shift on arty monkeys. That changed the game. [00:22:50] Speaker B: So. [00:22:51] Speaker A: Okay, I'm going to say that's a fine. [00:22:53] Speaker B: You can have it. [00:22:54] Speaker A: And then, okay, I'll let you have one. [00:22:55] Speaker B: Then I'll take Viva Libida. [00:22:59] Speaker A: Then we put that in. [00:23:00] Speaker B: Did we? [00:23:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:23:03] Speaker B: Then I want from my choosing, I want flower boy. [00:23:07] Speaker A: I'll allow it. [00:23:08] Speaker B: No, care. [00:23:09] Speaker A: No, because the thing is, the reason it gets, we argue about these albums, but we argue like, I don't love flower boy. Flower boy is in my top ten of albums. [00:23:17] Speaker B: I get it. [00:23:18] Speaker A: It is in my top ten of albums. [00:23:19] Speaker B: I get it. It's fine. [00:23:20] Speaker A: I've got at least five flower boys. [00:23:22] Speaker B: I think it's on the wall here. [00:23:24] Speaker A: That's what. I've got at least five flower boy pieces of artwork up in the house and in here. [00:23:28] Speaker B: I've only just deep because I've only received. [00:23:30] Speaker A: And there's evil. [00:23:31] Speaker B: There is evil. I'm blonde. The MFD was right behind your head as well. [00:23:36] Speaker A: I know I struggled, and I also. [00:23:37] Speaker B: Didn'T want to put it down, but being that food was the first, I think maybe the first vinyl I ever bought. Indeed. And considering a lot of his albums, I love came out when I was literally a kid, if not earlier, and was. [00:23:53] Speaker A: So that's another reason I struggled. [00:23:57] Speaker B: The title of your rapper's favorite rapper. He's Tyler's favorite rapper. [00:24:02] Speaker A: He's Canyon's favorite rapper. [00:24:03] Speaker B: There you go. And they never worked together. [00:24:06] Speaker A: Which is criminal. [00:24:06] Speaker B: Which is criminal. [00:24:07] Speaker A: I did think, not to sound cliche, but I did think Mad Villain was the best MFDM album, or at least critically acclaimed. [00:24:14] Speaker B: Critically it definitely is. Although I think, mm, food's better. I think Operation Doomsday is better. I think it's just the most lefty. If you're a music artist, you're going to think it's the best album because it's the weirdest one because it's got. [00:24:28] Speaker A: That was it. I loved the sampling and it was literally, according to my favorite tune on there. [00:24:31] Speaker B: There you go. [00:24:31] Speaker A: But the other thing is that I tried to think of it as, like, they're his. No, as in the top ten, I think of literally, like, they're critically acclaimed. Best work. [00:24:42] Speaker B: I get it. [00:24:46] Speaker A: For most of the artists on that list, some of their not popular albums are some of my favorites, for sure. I tried to just. [00:24:53] Speaker B: For sure. [00:24:53] Speaker A: But I also thought what I actually thought with MFD, I'm just going to struggle with was because as much as I love that album, it's not wall to wall bangers. [00:25:05] Speaker B: No, it's not. [00:25:06] Speaker A: And that's why I couldn't. [00:25:07] Speaker B: That's why it would not be in mine. [00:25:09] Speaker A: And that hurts that. [00:25:11] Speaker B: But I think that's his style as well. That is very sporadic in not going to. [00:25:15] Speaker A: Please. Sorry. [00:25:17] Speaker B: Yeah, just put some respect on his name. [00:25:20] Speaker A: Rip, by the way, rip. I just did a quick check in case I missed anything. [00:25:24] Speaker B: Yeah. You know what? You know what? You'll stand up after this and go. [00:25:28] Speaker A: I'm going to allow it because really, it's the song wish we were here. That's the best. [00:25:31] Speaker B: And also, when you say too long ago, the old son of mine is 1985, I think songs of Key of life came out and thingy's from what dark side moon is from what, 76? [00:25:43] Speaker A: Seven or so, I think so. [00:25:45] Speaker B: If you call in an album that was 30 years before you're born, this is why I struggle with this list. [00:25:52] Speaker A: Though, because I thought if I can flip with my rumors, I can argue to the dogs, come home. But that's not a saying. [00:25:58] Speaker B: No, it's not. [00:25:58] Speaker A: I said that. [00:25:59] Speaker B: No, it is. Cows come out. [00:26:00] Speaker A: Come on. [00:26:00] Speaker B: Cows come home. [00:26:01] Speaker A: Got there. Yeah. But it was felt obvious. I didn't want to sit here and argue about ten obvious albums. [00:26:07] Speaker B: Makes sense. [00:26:09] Speaker A: That still was shorter than what I thought. I'm hurt on some of them. [00:26:15] Speaker B: I am. But I think I'm overall pleased. [00:26:18] Speaker A: I don't want to say it again. No, I don't want to tell them again because I'm going to get annoyed again. I'm really not happy. He goes, not in there. [00:26:25] Speaker B: Did I not give it? Yeah. [00:26:26] Speaker A: No. [00:26:26] Speaker B: Oh, no, I didn't give you because I gave you everything else. [00:26:28] Speaker A: I'm happy that there is Tyler. [00:26:30] Speaker B: You put ring around the rosies and you were like, I need that in there. I gave it you. Nursery rhymes 1998. Yeah, you've won. I need that in there because that's the suggestions you're putting on. [00:26:39] Speaker A: Not even the best one. [00:26:40] Speaker B: Not even their best work. [00:26:41] Speaker A: Not even their best work. [00:26:46] Speaker C: Okay, we made it. I can't believe we really got through that. But that was our top ten albums of all time. Me and Mr. Liam Maloney's combined top ten. It was a struggle, but we got there. So thanks again for tuning in, as always, make sure you like and subscribe to the pages. Check out all of our social medias for updates on the OD highlights, interviews, performances in the studio. And as always, don't forget to keep being weird.

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