THE FEEL WEIRD PODCAST ep#5 - CULTS & CONSPIRACIES - Our Fav Theories, Ye's New Album, Dune 2 Reviews And More

March 13, 2024 01:40:33
THE FEEL WEIRD PODCAST ep#5 - CULTS & CONSPIRACIES - Our Fav Theories, Ye's New Album, Dune 2 Reviews And More
The Feel Weird Podcast
THE FEEL WEIRD PODCAST ep#5 - CULTS & CONSPIRACIES - Our Fav Theories, Ye's New Album, Dune 2 Reviews And More

Mar 13 2024 | 01:40:33


Show Notes

CULTS AND CONSPIRACIES - Sam and Liam chat the latest pop culture news, inlcuding their take on the rave reviews of Dune 2 and Ye's new album! and finally as requested, they delve into some CRAZY conspiracy theories. 

Head to @feelweirdstudios on Instagram and @feelweirdsessions on TIKTOK for more pod/studio content including performances and interviews! 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:12] Speaker A: Welcome to feel weird podcast. Nice little intro there from the through the Lens film club. The young people. [00:00:19] Speaker B: Young people. That's a nice way of putting it. That was the third time for context. [00:00:23] Speaker A: Well, that makes it sound even worse. [00:00:24] Speaker B: Well, I just have to let people know that. [00:00:25] Speaker A: No, because it makes it sound like I said something bad. I said kiddies, which I didn't think. [00:00:28] Speaker B: Was a problem, and then said the wrong name. [00:00:30] Speaker A: But anyway, so we've just had an interesting hour and a bit, haven't we, Liam? [00:00:33] Speaker B: Yeah, it was good time. [00:00:34] Speaker A: Very fun, actually. Really fun for people who don't know. [00:00:43] Speaker B: What that was. She just did like the I thought she plastered. [00:00:47] Speaker A: This is going to be loud, so I'm going to do it really loud. I'm going to do it really loud. Anyway, so basically, for those who don't know, Lil's does a film club in the studio here for aspiring young actors and filmmakers and all the likes. And they practiced interviewing on me and Liam just before we started recording. They had a fantastic job. And it was, I mean, it was my favorite interview I've ever been interviewed. I don't know if you've ever been interviewed. [00:01:13] Speaker B: Um, no, I've not. [00:01:15] Speaker A: So it's definitely your favorite. [00:01:16] Speaker B: It was my absolute favorite and my least favorite. [00:01:19] Speaker A: But now they were great, though. They were a lot of fun. What was your favorite question that you asked? [00:01:23] Speaker B: There was one that was like, that's a really good one. The only one about the podcast, which I actually liked because I don't want to just drill about questions they didn't really care about. I'd rather them ask me like, if I was a type of pastor, what would it be? They didn't ask that, although they should have done. I would have said ten a or something. Yeah, but liked is Sam a good co host and why? That was a good question to ask. But all the other ones that were. [00:01:46] Speaker A: Like, that's way more sensible than. [00:01:47] Speaker B: Some of them were hard, though. You know, when someone asks you what your favorite colors, you got it. But someone asked you what's your three favorite colors? [00:01:53] Speaker A: Three was hard. [00:01:54] Speaker B: Yeah. The first one, if you're stuck on a desert island, who would you want to be stuck with? [00:01:59] Speaker A: That was good question from a ten year old. That was a good question. [00:02:02] Speaker B: And they know who bear Grylls is, which also surprised me. [00:02:05] Speaker A: I like how there was one that was just repping united all the way as well. Whenever I said anything united, she was like, bosh. [00:02:11] Speaker B: I was trying to think throughout. I was like, what answers can I give way you're going to know who I'm talking about. What? [00:02:16] Speaker A: I mean, I overthought it a lot. [00:02:18] Speaker B: Yeah, because they didn't know, especially my. [00:02:19] Speaker A: Films and your references. [00:02:20] Speaker B: Because first of all, Forrest Gump, you're talking to eight year olds who don't. [00:02:24] Speaker A: Know who they were -15 years older. [00:02:26] Speaker B: Probably when that came out. Well, that film came out 90. That film came out before I was born. [00:02:31] Speaker A: We were actually saying off camera that it makes you feel a little bit sick that there was an eight year old in the room. He was. Well, 2016. He would have been born. That makes me violently ill. You said cars, too. [00:02:40] Speaker B: It'd have been like, never heard of it. Just about so grim. [00:02:45] Speaker A: So thinking about it, Forest comes 94. Oh, my God. [00:02:48] Speaker B: 94, 95. [00:02:50] Speaker A: That film's like. No, I think nearly three times his age. [00:02:53] Speaker B: You know, Tom hikes was offered the role of Andy Dufrain in Shoreshank, and he turned it down to doom. [00:03:00] Speaker A: The most famous film week in cinema history, pulp fiction. Think it's Jurassic park. [00:03:05] Speaker B: Yeah, it is. [00:03:05] Speaker A: Jurassic Park, Forest Gump and Shawshank, all at the same time. [00:03:09] Speaker B: What a summer for movies. [00:03:10] Speaker A: That's a month for paying for your Odion month. Passing it. [00:03:13] Speaker B: I was going to do that this week. It was 1499, but then I worked out because the ticket prices are only a fiver. I've still got to go see three movies a month to get just my worth. [00:03:23] Speaker A: It's not bad, though. [00:03:23] Speaker B: It's not bad. But also I'm going to see four films a month. [00:03:26] Speaker A: February has been dry for it. [00:03:28] Speaker B: Well, it's not been that dry. Well, no. [00:03:31] Speaker A: Well, it wasn't February, was it? Came out in March. [00:03:33] Speaker B: No, it wasn't exactly. [00:03:34] Speaker A: I remember because my mum's got this, like, thing as part of a phone deal or whatever, a couple of free view cinema tickets. And we've literally struggled to go the last two months because there's been foo call on. [00:03:44] Speaker B: Were you going to censor yourself? [00:03:45] Speaker A: I was going to censor myself. It was so hard to not swear. [00:03:48] Speaker B: You're in the mindset of not flipping Nora. I don't like how far that is from you. [00:03:52] Speaker A: It's fine, I promise you. It's picking me up. [00:03:54] Speaker B: I know. I'm sort of gaslighting. [00:03:55] Speaker A: Not gaslighting, you're mansplaining. [00:03:57] Speaker B: Audio. [00:03:58] Speaker A: Audio production. To a producer. [00:03:59] Speaker B: To a producer. [00:04:00] Speaker A: Just to make you feel better. I'm going to do this now. [00:04:03] Speaker B: The continuity is off, though. [00:04:05] Speaker A: Fuck the continuity. [00:04:07] Speaker B: Give me a song of the week. [00:04:08] Speaker A: My song of the week. I'm going to do a selfless, shameless, shameless little thing. [00:04:14] Speaker B: Your own tune? [00:04:15] Speaker A: I have been bashing my own unreleased tune this week because I think I've finished it, which, as you know, is a big deal for me. [00:04:20] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. [00:04:21] Speaker A: Because I never finish anything. Everything's 99%. And then I'm like, I'm scared of it now. I'm going to move on. Yeah, all right, that's good. And little plug as well, because I guess the people who listen to this deserve to know. [00:04:31] Speaker B: Sure. [00:04:32] Speaker A: But it's heavy heart. People might have heard it at some gigs. [00:04:34] Speaker B: I'll play a clip right now. [00:04:35] Speaker A: Play a clip right now. That was a drop as well. But, yeah, I'll be honest, I think it's a tune. I think it's my best tune. It's my most different tune. It's got a bit of everything in it and it's the first tune I've got that's going to make you want to throw your back out and start whining. [00:05:03] Speaker B: Throw back to it? [00:05:04] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:05:04] Speaker B: And it's got a major star as a feature on it. [00:05:08] Speaker A: Does it? [00:05:09] Speaker B: No, it doesn't. I'm just trying to get. [00:05:10] Speaker A: Oh, I was going to say. Oh, God. Yes, it does. [00:05:13] Speaker B: Yes, it does. [00:05:13] Speaker A: Yes, it does. [00:05:14] Speaker B: Wait for you. See? [00:05:14] Speaker A: Featuring hidden verse from Tyler, the creator. Yeah, you heard it here first. [00:05:18] Speaker B: He finally did it. He made it. [00:05:20] Speaker A: He made it. [00:05:20] Speaker B: Tyler, I want that guy from Manchester. [00:05:22] Speaker A: I just said he made it. I meant me. [00:05:24] Speaker B: No, he made it. [00:05:25] Speaker A: Tyler Crater made it. When he got on my chest, he. [00:05:26] Speaker B: Made it as well. [00:05:27] Speaker A: But anyway, that's my shameless plug because I actually was thinking of a song of the week and it's the first time I've had no ideas because I've been bashing just like mix 153. Mix 154. You've had at least three this week sent to you. [00:05:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:42] Speaker A: So that's my song of the week. What is your song of the week? [00:05:45] Speaker B: My song of the week was just. It's always going through my. On repeat. What have I been listening recently? And the topic was give life back to music duff bunk. Because I've been relistening to the album again after. So I've seen the cassette, I did clock it on the way in and I was like, you don't want to relisten to this album while I'm doing stuff. I was like, fantastic album. Also. We both missed it on our thingy album. [00:06:05] Speaker A: We did. [00:06:06] Speaker B: But it would have been maybe been like 1112. [00:06:08] Speaker A: I still think it would have been in top 29. Top ten. [00:06:10] Speaker B: Yeah. But I just totally didn't even regard it, which is bad that I told. [00:06:15] Speaker A: I'm ashamed after. On that note, unpopular opinion. I think lose yourself to dance is a better song than get lucky. I think it's actually a better get lucky because. No, it is basically is the same. [00:06:24] Speaker B: Song and it's not just because that was the bigger pop tune. So I'm kind of sick of hearing get lucky. No. [00:06:28] Speaker A: Yeah. I do think they play the same role, don't they? And I think considering get lucky is, like, still one of the biggest tunes of human history, I think lead yourself to dance is so much better. But anyway, that was just a random point. What is your. In fact, I'm going to say my. [00:06:41] Speaker B: Movie of the movie of the week. [00:06:43] Speaker A: Because I'm so excited to hear your. So my movie of the week is we make the rules. We do it award. It's actually a series. I am mega late to the party and I finally watched all of the boys series. [00:06:54] Speaker B: And Gen v. And Gen v. So that's that. [00:06:57] Speaker A: What, four. You watched four series of the boys? Three series of the boys together. [00:07:01] Speaker B: Three of one of another. [00:07:02] Speaker A: Yeah. Because. So I think I've accidentally timed that really well because the fourth series of the boys come out in June. Yeah, June. And, oh, my word, where have I been? I know you're going to say, and it's quite valid. Lin's been telling me for a long time, my excuse is I've never had Amazon prime. [00:07:20] Speaker B: It's a fair excuse. [00:07:21] Speaker A: It's more a case of I could have still watched. It's more a case of I'm that kind of person that unless it's literally in front of me, I won't watch it. [00:07:28] Speaker B: It just took you being alone for nearly a week or so. [00:07:32] Speaker A: The missus boogered off for like, I've. [00:07:34] Speaker B: Just got to watch this. [00:07:34] Speaker A: And I was like, I'm going to watch this. [00:07:36] Speaker B: I'm not an I told you so guy, because whenever one of my friends. [00:07:39] Speaker A: Do this, drop it on me, it is. [00:07:41] Speaker B: But whenever my friends or anyone, I say, hey, because I know you, this album, go listen to that. This TV show, go watch that. And they come back and go, you're right. You know what? I'm not throwing out recommendations lightly. And I say you're going to love the boys. Everything about it is unbelievably well done. You can never guess what's going to happen next because you go, oh, I love that character. They've exploded. Next scene. [00:08:05] Speaker A: So this is it. Do you know what it was, though. It was like, obviously, if you can't pick it up from everything around the pop culture and the million things we've spoken about already. Yeah, I love my comic book stuff. [00:08:16] Speaker B: Sure. [00:08:17] Speaker A: I'm a big Marvel fan, and I think I probably watched it at the perfect time, because I think if I'd have watched it while Marvel was still mint, it probably wouldn't have appeared. Well, it would have still been sick, obviously. [00:08:26] Speaker B: But now that Marvel's bubbling, now Marvel's. [00:08:29] Speaker A: Let me down, I was like, this is mint. [00:08:31] Speaker B: I need some stuff. [00:08:33] Speaker A: Obviously, this is what the lore of it was written off, but it's basically every intrusive thought we've had about if superheroes were real or if we were a superhero. If politician we knew was a superhero, what would it actually be like? How dodgy would it be? How corrupt would it be? Mint? And it was just visually, just super arty, which was really cool. I mean, I know some of the Marvel stuff is visually stunning, but it shot like a really clever TV show. [00:09:01] Speaker B: VFX is always really strong. There's never a time I go, that looks fake. [00:09:05] Speaker A: That is Amazon money. That isn't it. Because there were so many times where I was watching an episode with. I can't remember, it was anyway. And it was something like, there was at least five times in one episode where I was like, if that wasn't Amazon, that would have been poop. Even in Gen Z. Gen Z is a spinoff of a spin off kind of thing. And it's like when Golden Boy is fighting in the first episode, he's flawless, looks class. And I was like, well, that's Amazon money, that. But it was top tier. And on that note, Gen V was brilliant as well, because I think Gen V was exactly what Marvel fans wanted the last five series to be. [00:09:41] Speaker B: Just a great. [00:09:42] Speaker A: Just a good show and a good story with ties to stuff we already knew. [00:09:48] Speaker B: It never felt cheap when. Spoiler alert, watch the show Homelander shows up or when soldier boy shows up, because it felt like it fit the narrative. [00:09:56] Speaker A: And you know, as well, I just know you threw your iPad. That's all right, dash it. If they didn't show up, wouldn't have made a difference. [00:10:03] Speaker B: Quality of the show. [00:10:04] Speaker A: Whereas, like, you know, I mean, she. [00:10:06] Speaker B: Hulk has to say. I was just going to say it's. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Almost a bad example because it's by far the worst. But she Hulk, even from the first episode, I put up watching it knowing it was shit just to watch Daredevil. And then he turned up and he was still crap. But if Homelander and soldierbrander turned up, it still wouldn't have been great. And it's just because it's a good story. That's what Marvel need to do. So I'm really glad I watched it at this point because it was brilliant. I enjoyed it, super enjoyed it. But I could talk about that all day. I'm so excited to hear is Liam's film of the week because I specifically asked him to not tell me a single thing until we're on these microphones. [00:10:39] Speaker B: Listen, I'll tell you right now, funny enough, it was dune. When I say Dune, you'll know when you watch film. Whenever I say, every single review that you've seen that says the villain in this being Aston Butler's character is one of the best, most memorable villains you've seen since Heath Ledger's Joker, every review you've seen, that said, it's the best film they've watched in decade, two decades or ever. They're all valid. It is a stunning, stunning movie. Masterpiece. Starts ten minutes in the colors. Every single shot individually should be up for its own award because of how beautifully and carefully Denis put every little thing in there. The scope feels enormous, but everything feels so on location because we're so used to films like Ant Man, Quantum mania, whatever, when we know they're on a. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Big blue screen and we're sick of it. [00:11:35] Speaker B: But almost every shot here, being on location, you really get the sense of the magnitude of costuming as well. Every single part of it is flawless. If you didn't watch the first one, you can still go watch it. And he said he did that on purpose, where you really follow a lot of what's going on. You should watch the first one because some stuff might be a bit lost in your characters, but every single actor. [00:11:58] Speaker A: Delivers, and the cast is incredible in it. [00:12:01] Speaker B: The cast is unreal. The score is magnificent. [00:12:05] Speaker A: The first one, I took that away. [00:12:06] Speaker B: With me and was like, wow, it's magnificent. There's nothing bad I can say. It's a long movie. It's 2 hours, 47. But at no point will you be going, watching, going, yeah. All right, we could wrap this up now because you just want it to keep going because it delivers on everything. [00:12:22] Speaker A: Well, one thing I wanted to ask. [00:12:23] Speaker B: It's outstanding. [00:12:24] Speaker A: All of my favorite TikTok reviewers, let's call them the ones that come up on my feed, the ones that I actually agree with. Nine out of ten of them are actually harsh on things I like as well. But I'm like, they all said what? They all said, it's a masterpiece, as everyone else did. And a few of them have even come, have said on first view, and they were like, best sequel alongside Lord of the Rings and Empire Strikes back, and then have come back and gone, you're not going to like this. I'm even going to say better than Empire strikes back. [00:12:52] Speaker B: You know what the mad thing is on this? And I'll say this. [00:12:55] Speaker A: That's what I should. [00:12:56] Speaker B: There's no one I know who's a bigger Star wars fan than me or who knows the law as much as I do and has seen as much of the shows and the whole memorabilia and has been watching as long as I have. Star wars feels like a cheap copy after watching Doom one and two. I mean, I already know that George Lucas took a lot of. [00:13:15] Speaker A: He ripped it. [00:13:16] Speaker B: I want to say French, someone's, I can't think of the actor, the author's name, but a lot of it. And there's audio clips, him talking about it when New Hope came out. And obviously then Empire. And there's a lot of comparisons where. [00:13:27] Speaker A: They'Ve 100% ripped, but they've even ripped off, like, names of languages. [00:13:30] Speaker B: Yeah, they've taken a lot and it's really obvious. But I would confidently say collective doom one or two are better than any Star wars film they've ever put out. Even the classics. It is. [00:13:42] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, this is. That's why I wanted to ask, because it's so good. Yeah. I mean, as you know, second to you, I would argue, of the Star wars fan, and I'm kind of not surprised. [00:13:56] Speaker B: No. [00:13:57] Speaker A: And more not because there's anything. Forget the flaws of the newer Star wars films. Yeah, I'm not even saying that because of that. I just mean in the sense that everyone's forgetting the fact that they had a go at making Dune at the wrong era. They didn't have the capability to make it. And they even said, didn't they? They were like, this is the. We didn't have the facilities to make the film we wanted to make. [00:14:18] Speaker B: Didn't have the facilities for that. [00:14:20] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. And granted, that's why Star Wars a new Hope was, like, mind blowing for what at the time? [00:14:26] Speaker B: So obviously the Dune movie from David lynch came out in the or so. And apparently Dune was always seen as unfilmable because of the scope and the magnitude. [00:14:36] Speaker A: The magnitude. [00:14:37] Speaker B: You're thinking, how on earth are we going to film a giant, the worm for stars in a desert and make it look real? But then. And also everything else that comes into it. I think Star wars is more theatrical and it's easier on the eyes and everything. It's very different. Whereas this story, everything is so much more. I don't know, it just has more. And the acting is just unreal. Like Timothy Shalomay delivers Austin Butler's character. You will not recognize him from the actor that, you know, we will clown him for still doing his thingy voice. He's doing it for years. He's going to have the voice for now. [00:15:15] Speaker A: So it's not this like his voice, white albino doing an Elvis Presley, but his voice. [00:15:20] Speaker B: He's doing an impression of the Baron, which is Alexander [unk]'s character. So it's like. It's a deep, scandinavian, nordic sort of voice. When you hear it for the first time in the cinema, kind of takes. [00:15:33] Speaker A: You back a bit. [00:15:34] Speaker B: You'll think that is, for one, a stellar impression. [00:15:37] Speaker A: So he's going to sound like that for the next two years, then? Really? [00:15:40] Speaker B: Well, yeah, you'd think so. But he just delivers so much as a villain, even though he's not just in the movie a lot. The bit is so impactful, I've heard. [00:15:49] Speaker A: With the scale of the film. Apart from, obviously, Timothy Chalamet. Like, people like Austin Buller aren't in it a lot, are they really? [00:15:54] Speaker B: No, they're not in a whole lot. But they kind of go to like. They do. [00:15:56] Speaker A: They make the difference. They're in, though. [00:15:58] Speaker B: And then they come to him and then show what he's got going on, who he's about. And then he comes back in a little bit. But everything, the pacing of it, it feels immaculate. It feels like every scene they've looked and gone. What can we take out our ad to make sure this delivers the information exactly as needed to be told? And it does that. [00:16:18] Speaker A: Do you know, the one thing is as well, I do feel like. I mean, I've had this argument with people before of kind of defending the newest Star wars films, even though a lot of it is deservedly ripped into. But more the fact that I think people forget that these films were written for kids. The lore of it was written for kids. And at the end of the day, if I watched all of the. That's why it's like trying to show Lil's now, the Star wars films. That's why we've not attempted it. Because I think trying to show someone, trying to show a 23 year old in this day and age a new hope who doesn't give a shit. Yeah, that was mind blown at the time, but looks like a bag of shit now. [00:16:58] Speaker B: Well, they've really cringe and like, I get it. [00:17:03] Speaker A: It's hard to get people into it. And that's why I feel like if I had no prior knowledge to Star Wars, I probably wouldn't enjoy 90% of the films. [00:17:10] Speaker B: The nostalgia element is a big factor. [00:17:13] Speaker A: Big, big factor. And that's why I feel like, I think Dune's always going to win this one because I think in the long run it did him a favor. The first film in the 80s crashing because now they're making it when they can and it's on such a more perfected scale and it's just incredible. I mean, the first one, me and our Davy boy went to see it and we watching it tomorrow. So we walked out of the cinema and we looked at each other and we're like, I ain't got a clue what's just happened, but it was the best fucking thing I've ever seen. [00:17:41] Speaker B: The second time, it's so much easier now, you know what? Now that the Duke letter's being set up by the emperor to take him down, you follow a lot of the stories. So much easier because you see what's. [00:17:52] Speaker A: To be honest, I was just waiting for subtitles. And the other reason we're about to rewatch the first one, because we're going to go and see the new one in cinema, obviously, but I've been putting it off for ages for Lil's and obviously now it's like on Disney plus and all this for subtitles. I'm going to be like making notes and stuff because it's like Game of Thrones, like with all the names of the clans and languages and stuff. [00:18:11] Speaker B: I got lots, I think a couple TikToks have. Just summarizing. If afterwards you don't, I feel like afterwards you'll have fully got it. Maybe you have to explain to her because it's the first time, but then obviously going in, you have to watch it imax. Oh, I can't go back in the middle. You need to see on the big screen to get the full experience. This film at home would be the biggest mistake. You like, if you're thinking about watching it and you're waiting for it to come out on streaming, don't bother. [00:18:35] Speaker A: Before we even had this conversation, we were going to go and watch the first one tonight. I'm so excited to do it. [00:18:39] Speaker B: I'm glad you've missed it out. So let's wrap this up, get gone now. [00:18:43] Speaker A: Anyway, I'm almost gutted. Are you hungry? I said, were we? What? [00:18:52] Speaker B: Yeah, you said before. Oh, I didn't realize she was listening. I thought she was. You literally said before, should we watch it tonight? [00:18:57] Speaker A: Why are we having this conversation, Gary? Anyway, there's part of me that's annoyed that I haven't seen it when we're having this conversation because I'd love to geek out on it, but maybe it's. [00:19:04] Speaker B: Just next week's episode. [00:19:06] Speaker A: Never excuse to do it again. Next week's episode. And I know it's all the rage at the moment. Everyone's talking about it, but it's just very rare in it that the reviews honestly and purely match. No match, like fan reaction as well. [00:19:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:19] Speaker A: Everyone is an audience because. Sorry, that's what I was going to say when me and Dave came out and were like, no idea what's happening. I remember saying to him, I was like, I don't really understand what's going on, but I feel like we've just watched a new hope. [00:19:28] Speaker B: Yeah, you've seen something. [00:19:29] Speaker A: I feel like we've just watched the start of something really fucking good. Because they were clearly setting a lot up and that's why it didn't really punch me in the face that much, the first one. But I was like, the payoff of this could be mental. Mental. And obviously it was like a bit of a test from on it. The first film, they hadn't even confirmed. Didn't they confirm like a week after it coming out that they were going to do two and three? Yeah, because they were just really testing the reaction of it a little bit. And I forgot, isn't there like six books? [00:19:56] Speaker B: There's a ton of books, but they said for Dune Messiah, which would be. [00:19:58] Speaker A: The third, are they going to do that in two parts or something? [00:20:00] Speaker B: No, they said they're going to do it, but they said that the children of Dune is set twelve years after the events of this one. So he said he doesn't know if maybe he might go. He said he's not doing anything until his script is perfect anyway. [00:20:12] Speaker A: Right. [00:20:12] Speaker B: So I'm in no rush. Perfect because they're young enough where he might do Marvis. He might wait not twelve years, but wait a few years to then portray. [00:20:24] Speaker A: The new story a while to make as well. He said he might quite quick, considering it was. [00:20:29] Speaker B: It was only 2021. This came out at the beginning of 24. You also saw a list of movies that were cheaper to make than dune. [00:20:35] Speaker A: And it was free movie. [00:20:37] Speaker B: Antman, the newest one. The newest Thor love and Thunder. And it was all these movies that were terrible. And you think when you watch it, you'll think, this has got to be the most expensive movie ever made because of how stunning it looks and how realistic everything is. [00:20:50] Speaker A: Shame in it. I mean, it's clear that it just had, like, the care. Exactly. And all of the focus and all the attention of the people involved. They weren't just making anything that Marvel can confidently say that that has also. [00:21:05] Speaker B: It must be od as well because there were loads of fans of. The book is like this. [00:21:08] Speaker A: Yes. Madden it. [00:21:09] Speaker B: And that's one of many books. So there's so much lore. So he's not even just, like, adapting a book. It'll win best adapted book at the Oscars, but he's adapting and going, what of the most complex novel? What do I take out and add in to make this movie? And yet nothing feels to me. Obviously, someone who hasn't read the book spot knows a little bit of the lore just from TikTok videos. It felt like everything that was in was perfect. And some people saying, I would have loved this, but I get why it wasn't in. I would have loved that. But it makes sense it wasn't in. So interesting. Everything just fit so naturally. [00:21:45] Speaker A: I'm so excited for it to become as big as Star wars and Marvel and all this stuff because I think it deserves it. And I haven't even seen the second one yet. And I honestly thought from the first one, I thought, like I said, this is going to be massive and it deserves it. Halfway through was like the world building as well. [00:22:00] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:22:00] Speaker A: Or considering it's all in sand, the world building is mental. [00:22:05] Speaker B: But I think it feels like when I was watching it, the most unique film I've ever seen. You don't see a film. You watch, you go, oh, if someone said, what's it like? You go, it's kind of like that. There's no comparative example. [00:22:18] Speaker A: Do you not think it's ironic? The only comparative example is Star wars, which is a rip off of June. [00:22:22] Speaker B: Which is a rip off it. So it kind of feels like. Because it's under Sci-Fi fantasy, summarize it, does it? No, because it doesn't really feel like it can fit in either box. [00:22:33] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:33] Speaker B: Do you know what I mean? [00:22:34] Speaker A: Because that's such a good point. Because as much as it's clearly Sci-Fi it doesn't feel like Sci-Fi. [00:22:40] Speaker B: No, not at all. [00:22:42] Speaker A: I mean, it feels very world as in, like world ground. [00:22:45] Speaker B: This one's less Sci-Fi than the first one. [00:22:47] Speaker A: Yeah, I've heard that before. [00:22:48] Speaker B: People say that, go watch it. And then when you come out, go, I'm going back in. [00:22:54] Speaker A: I need a second watch. Yeah. [00:22:55] Speaker B: Even though it was 2 hours, 47 minutes. Oh, no towns of wee, by the way. No towns piss. And I worn this with Avenue. I was like, when you go, go beforehand because there is not a minute you could spare in here where you would need to ask the person, give me a rundown. [00:23:08] Speaker A: Obviously the slowest talking about is making me want to piss. But what I was going to say was, I wish there was like, do you remember when Endgame came out and I actually went with Dave to the back to back midnight showing Infinity War Endgame. And it was like a seven hour mammoth showing and it was mental. Obviously the letters have a piss break because they're not Nazis, but that was amazing. And this is probably the only thing I really wanted to do that for as well. [00:23:35] Speaker B: That would be a lot. [00:23:36] Speaker A: It would be intense. [00:23:37] Speaker B: I don't think I could do it. No, but it'll be a good shout, though. But anyway, that's my movie of the week. That's my movie of the year saying on it, that's the best film I'll watch of this year. And next year probably. Obviously I'm going to enjoy Deadpool three more, but it's not going to be a better film. [00:23:52] Speaker A: That's fair. [00:23:53] Speaker B: As if it is the best film I might watch for the next five years. From your expectations are going in are so high. [00:24:00] Speaker A: No, but this is the. [00:24:00] Speaker B: But I just know that when you. It'll deliver on every point because everything you're going to say, see, this is the thing. [00:24:06] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. [00:24:07] Speaker B: It'll deliver. [00:24:08] Speaker A: And I know that we've all seen the same reviews because we've all seen the cricks reviews. And then when the fan reviews matched, it was like, oh, wow, this could never be. Yeah. And then all the TikTok viewers that usually just say shit just to get people pissed off, that was all saying it was a masterpiece. So then I was really waiting for you to kind of put the nail in the coffin. [00:24:25] Speaker B: You would trust my opinion to go, this doesn't deliver, but this, this does. [00:24:32] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:24:33] Speaker B: No issue. [00:24:33] Speaker A: But the only thing with my expectations getting too far is like the only reason that's ever been a problem in recent years again is usually marvel. And that's only because we watch all these not conspiracy stuff, but all these theories, fan theories. And you get annoyed when Mace Windu doesn't turn up in multiverse of madness or, like, so realistically, my expectations couldn't be any higher or realistic. Because the thing is as well, I think what's different about this film, it was a bit like, remember when you went to see Rogue One and it was the first time there was a Star wars film came out, we were all like, I actually don't give a shit about this, but turned out to be the best one. [00:25:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:09] Speaker A: I feel like, I know it's going to be mint, but if it's not, I'm not going to be bothered, which is probably why I'm going to really love it. [00:25:14] Speaker B: You know, it's currently still. Obviously, when more reviews get in, it probably won't be highest rated. Highest rated film ever on IMDb. Godfather is number two now. [00:25:21] Speaker A: That is. [00:25:22] Speaker B: I saw someone do a TikTok of this and someone said, and it's only. [00:25:25] Speaker A: Like 9.4 as well in it. [00:25:26] Speaker B: Yeah, 9.6, I think, which threw me. [00:25:28] Speaker A: I thought, yeah, no way. There's never been a ten out of ten film. [00:25:31] Speaker B: Well, this could maybe do it. Wouldn't do it. But I saw someone said on a TikTok, they were like, dune two is just as good as godfather two. Godfather. And he came out, went, you thought that was as bad as godfather? Yeah, I just flipped. [00:25:44] Speaker A: It was like, yeah, I did feel. [00:25:45] Speaker B: That you thought it was as bad as that because it's just in his own stratosphere. You'll watch it and then call me after, please. [00:25:52] Speaker A: So excited. [00:25:53] Speaker B: Dial your phone and go, hello? You were right. Put the phone down now. [00:25:57] Speaker A: I'm going to put my heelies on and scoot straight to you. [00:26:00] Speaker B: If you could please come to my apartment right after. [00:26:02] Speaker A: Hell, yeah. [00:26:03] Speaker B: And say nothing to me and just sit. And I couldn't say she had a race. Amazing. [00:26:14] Speaker A: So anyway, on pop culture news, I think it'd be rude for us to not talk about the gout. Kanye west has finally dropped volume one. Vultures. I mean, we're a little bit late to the party because we've not done one for a bit, so even better, I guess it's had a little bit of time to digest. We're not going to go all like, deep dive. Yeah, but what's the guy who rates the albums? [00:26:35] Speaker B: I forgot his name. Anthony Fontano. Needle drop. [00:26:37] Speaker A: Needle drop, yeah. We're not going to go completely. And especially because I haven't digested it half as much as I want to yet. No, because I bash it the first week. But I've done that thing where because I've just listened to the album, I couldn't tell you what any of the names and songs were called. Other ones I liked other than back to you, beautiful big tidy bit banger. But what I want to know are your just summary summarized general thoughts of the album before I give you mine. [00:27:06] Speaker B: Firstly check the fit today. And I look like Kanye's number one fan with the hoodie. [00:27:11] Speaker A: And I don't know if you can see the badges. [00:27:14] Speaker B: They're both of the badges on the hat. I really, really rated it. I really liked it. And I liked it more than Jesus walks. And I liked it really just below Donda one and two. Only because I'm putting them as a together and you've got like, that's fair. 50 more tracks at least. [00:27:31] Speaker A: Triple or something. [00:27:32] Speaker B: Do you know what I mean? So it's hard, but I really like five of them. There's obviously paid. I really liked it. I really like do it. I'm sure it's called I really liked getting around. I've got my spot. There's three more I really, really like. I've been rinsing and I think it's got some really strong instrumentals. Not the. Not the catchiest hooks, but I think musically it sounds great. And there's one called forgiveness unforgiveness. Can you check that? Close to the bottom? It's like a second to bottom. [00:28:03] Speaker A: Beg forgiveness. [00:28:03] Speaker B: Beg forgiveness. There's a bit in the end, like from the three quarter in, and there's this little trump bit horns bit that I really liked. For the outro, while he's just talking and he talk about how. What is it? Some about a lovely life tell my kids I've had a lovely life and if I die tonight something I had a lovely life telling kids, I can't think of the melody to sing it. Otherwise I would. [00:28:29] Speaker A: I remember it. [00:28:30] Speaker B: Overall, my basic point is I liked it more than I thought I would. I'm excited for rest. And considering the most hyped song on it wasn't on it because they didn't get the thingy from the Backstreet boys, maybe because he sort of did. It was like, either way, I've already done it. Can I have this? And they were like, yeah. [00:28:44] Speaker A: And Nicki Minaj hasn't cleared some stuff for him. [00:28:47] Speaker B: No. [00:28:47] Speaker A: Which actually she's not cleared the tune that is my favorite unreleased kanye tune. Always has been. All the worst to it already. [00:28:55] Speaker B: It won't make another round, but at least you've got it. There's another 30 songs to come, so we've still got more. So I don't know. I really liked it for first edition. [00:29:05] Speaker A: I thought it was strong fairs. So my thoughts really are. I think if it wasn't Kanye West, I probably wouldn't give it as much time. [00:29:14] Speaker B: No, same. [00:29:16] Speaker A: I honestly do really like it, but I just think it didn't grab me. [00:29:20] Speaker B: Yeah, fair. [00:29:21] Speaker A: And because it was Kanye, I stayed around and I enjoyed it, but I probably wouldn't have given it the time. And I think the thing is, because I really like Ty dollar sign. I always have. But I've never been able to get through his albums. No, I think he's only so much. [00:29:32] Speaker B: Of like, I know a thousand features. [00:29:34] Speaker A: That I love, but an album of it just bores me. [00:29:37] Speaker B: He's one of those people where anytime he's on a feature, you know he's going to deliver. When J Cole's on a feature, you know this is the best song on your album because you've got Cole on a feature. [00:29:47] Speaker A: Ty Dollar Sign is the best to use as like a bit of sprinkle dust. Yeah. If I've got a song that's 8% there, you sprinkle that tie dollar sign and it's going to be a masterpiece. And that's why half of Kanye's material secretly has tied dollar sign and you don't really know it. Whereas I felt like because they were really true to it being a duo album, collaborative album, it was just a little bit too much tie dollar sign for me. There was just certain points where it went too tied, all assigned trappy kind of like auto tuning. And I just wasn't really bothered. I mean, for example, back to you. Back to me. Sorry, I've been calling it back to you ever since it came out, but back to me, I think he's such a tune. But there's just so many points in the song where I'm like, this could have been so much better. But the beat alone is so sick. That was the one I was most excited to hear of from all the leaks, to be honest. Just in the morning. And then with the beat job, it was amazing. Freddie Gibbs on a Kanye tune. Finally, as always, finally Freddie Gibbs delivered. It was brilliant. And also, fun fact. I mean, you will have seen this by this point, because by the time I wrote it in a secret note to tell you on the pod, it was too late. But have you heard who the most surprising feature is on the album? [00:30:57] Speaker B: North. It's your bestie, Miss Westy. [00:30:59] Speaker A: Nope. The inter Milan football team Ultras of course. [00:31:04] Speaker B: Yes, I did know that. [00:31:04] Speaker A: Ultras and carnival. [00:31:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:31:06] Speaker A: Which I just thought. [00:31:09] Speaker B: I think he's just, obviously, he's been wearing United tops. He's been wearing tops. [00:31:14] Speaker A: He's been to a few games. [00:31:16] Speaker B: I think that now that it seems weirdly like we're not going to get this, because this will spend an hour on how football has become. It seems like the far west, like the USA have found football went, this is pretty big. Maybe I should start doing this. [00:31:30] Speaker A: And then when you see, like, it's. I think it's Jordan, because they're all going to Paris for fashion Week. [00:31:35] Speaker B: This got me. It makes sense. I think them finding out, going, hold on, Messi's how big? [00:31:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:40] Speaker B: Ronaldo's got how many followers? I think they're now seeing how big football is. And now you're seeing the culture of football finally moving over to the West a little bit and you're finally seeing actual Americans giving the respect to football. [00:31:55] Speaker A: Because I just thought it was like, what I had respect for as well from Kanye doing that was more the fact that I think I saw in a clip somewhere, and I can't remember it word for word, but it was along the lines of just the fact that he really loved. I mean, to be fair, it's not hard to think at all, because any American that goes to an English, european or, I mean, even. I'm just going to say football, because even south american football fans are so much better than us fans. Us fans are just like, score a goal. [00:32:26] Speaker B: We go fight and win. We will fight and we will win. [00:32:32] Speaker A: It's so garbage for any American to walk into the Sansero in Italy, in Milan, and watch a derby game is going to be like, fucking hell. So I think anyone walking in and just like. I mean, to be fair, british fans alone, the things that british fans sing are so creative, so creative. But from everything on the scale to passionate to absolutely hilarious, and, like, the best comedians you can ever find, for sure. But Italians do it different. And the ultras are like, to be fair, the ultras are dangerous. Don't ever go near anyone in an ultra. Whenever an english team plays in the Champions League against italian team, someone always getting diced up. [00:33:11] Speaker B: Who was the bad thing when Matt Dane was on hot ones and he was talking when he was in South America? [00:33:16] Speaker A: So these two games, we'll go with. [00:33:18] Speaker B: The women of children. He went, we leave them here. Yeah, we leave them here. Me and you will go. [00:33:23] Speaker A: His father in law or somewhere. [00:33:24] Speaker B: Because he was his father. He was his father in law. And he was like, we'll go. And he was allowed to prep him. He was like, you're not there to watch a sport. [00:33:32] Speaker A: Head down. We get there quick, we go out quick. So these two games I've always wanted are on my bucket list to watch is Galasassara and Ferrabachi in Istanbul. And there's that one, and it's bocca juniors and River Plate. [00:33:43] Speaker B: River Plate, yeah. [00:33:44] Speaker A: South American, especially Argentinians. [00:33:47] Speaker B: Different gravy. But he said there was, like, swap and riot. [00:33:50] Speaker A: Swap police everywhere, like the 18 with. [00:33:53] Speaker B: Our men in black. Everyone was ready to go. And he's like, we had to leave. [00:33:56] Speaker A: Early because british hooligans sprinkled with a bit of the colombian sauce. That's what it is. A bit of the old white gunpowder. [00:34:03] Speaker B: And all the health safety restrictions and. [00:34:06] Speaker A: All the grounds were, like, built ages ago. But it looks mint. It looks really. So for Kanye to walk into an italian game, to be honest, I'm kind of surprised he's gone for Inter Milan because there's so many famous ultras are obviously, like a small fraction of football fans that are way more passionate and probably a bit more violent than extreme. But the Inter Milan ones, they're good, but they're super famous ones. So I'm surprised he went for them. But I thought it was really cool how he's like, he's heard it in the game. Gone. Only Kanye west would like. It's like the cool Charlie puzz. Charlie pews would be like, sampling that. Haha. Kanye west walks into a stadium, goes, these sounds sick. [00:34:50] Speaker B: I'm having it. [00:34:50] Speaker A: And the fact that he actually got them into a shoe as well. Just sample it, I thought was mint. [00:34:54] Speaker B: Isn't that Kobe? That was Kobe. [00:34:57] Speaker A: AC Milan was AC Milan. [00:34:58] Speaker B: I'll give you the point, though. [00:34:59] Speaker A: You can have the point for that. [00:35:00] Speaker B: I got half it right. [00:35:01] Speaker A: Yeah. Milan playing the same stadium. Yeah. [00:35:04] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:35:04] Speaker A: But you didn't know that. [00:35:05] Speaker B: Of course I didn't. [00:35:06] Speaker A: No. [00:35:07] Speaker B: The ones in red. Ones in blue? [00:35:09] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, blue and black. And red and black. But the other sheriff stadium, which is, like, pretty rare. Modern day, but anyway. But, yeah. So overall, I think it's a good album. I do like it. It's not one of the best. It doesn't touch Donda close to me because I think so underrated. I still do. [00:35:26] Speaker B: I know it is. [00:35:27] Speaker A: And I know there's been a couple of people in our comments saying that, and even good friends of mine are saying, like, donda just doesn't hit. But I think you're all wrong. [00:35:33] Speaker B: You listen to it wrong. Go back. [00:35:34] Speaker A: You're all wrong. Because apart from, like a couple too many part two tracks, Donda is a brilliant album. Donda sprinkles everything that Kanye can offer anyway. Yeah. So I just thought my only problems with this album was just a little bit too much dollar sign, a little bit less Kanye, but I guess they were going for that. So fair dues. And what's the tune? I can't remember. I think it might be paperwork where it's got this, like, 80s slap synth on. It's like doom, doom, doom, doom. [00:35:57] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:35:59] Speaker A: When that hit, I stopped walking. [00:36:01] Speaker B: I was like, this is silly hard. [00:36:03] Speaker A: And the other thing is the fact that the last thing I wanted to say on it was the fact that when Donda came out, obviously it was like pushback and pushed back and pushed back, and he was like, still mixing in his pajamas and getting it all done. And then Donda two came out and didn't really even come out. So it was basically not even mastered and finished. This actually sounds finished, I'll give him that. The last few bits we've heard from Kanye sounded like just great ideas that weren't finished. [00:36:25] Speaker B: Yeah, that's fair. [00:36:26] Speaker A: This album does sound finished, so I am excited for two and three. [00:36:28] Speaker B: It is finite. [00:36:32] Speaker A: Anyway, so after that seamless transition. [00:36:34] Speaker B: What transition? [00:36:35] Speaker A: What transition? [00:36:36] Speaker B: Good point. [00:36:36] Speaker A: Yeah, we'll move on. So I was trying to think. Just going to check if there was any other. Oh, actually, I did want to say super quick. Gone because we were only. Well, now it's irrelevant because my segue was real good if I remembered it. Gone because I'm not going to talk. [00:36:50] Speaker B: Pretend your segue was good. Speaking of. [00:36:53] Speaker A: Speaking of Inter Milan. [00:36:54] Speaker B: Speaking of Inter Milan. [00:36:55] Speaker A: Speaking of Inter Milan. Well, Juventus other italian team, you obviously know who Paul Pogbur is. [00:37:00] Speaker B: I do. [00:37:00] Speaker A: We ain't going to talk football, promise. But I thought this was really funny. [00:37:03] Speaker B: Yeah, he's on the source. [00:37:04] Speaker A: Paul Pogba has been banned for four years and the man's nearly 30 now, so goodbye again. Nearly. For testosterone boosting, you mean? [00:37:15] Speaker B: Hold on, he hasn't been done for testosterone boosting. He's been caught. Oh, yeah. Hashtag Liverpool. [00:37:22] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [00:37:23] Speaker B: Everyone's got asthma. [00:37:24] Speaker A: We'll come back to that later, I'm sure. I'm really proud of you for that one. [00:37:27] Speaker B: Thank you. I know it. [00:37:29] Speaker A: But I just wanted to say, because then what was actually hilarious is that because Paul Pogba is like, for anyone who cares, talent wise, could have been the best player to ever play the game. [00:37:38] Speaker B: Right. [00:37:38] Speaker A: Some people say that, stretch, but pure talent wise, he could have been the best of us, and that's why he's had so much. Could have been the best of us, and that's why he got so much stick, because he's never fulfilled it. [00:37:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:37:49] Speaker A: Anyway, he went back to Juventus. He's barely played because he's been injured. So everyone's. Ever since it's come out, everyone's going to be like. Everyone's been like, can we more get confirmation on what he's taking? So we all know not to take it because he's been a bag of shit and injured all the time. [00:38:01] Speaker B: I should do it just to maintain his shape. [00:38:03] Speaker A: No idea. So they heard it was testosterone. It could have been a few things. He's released a big statement saying, obviously, none of this is true. I would never do that. Blah, blah, blah, blah. You've been off for four years. No one's ever been done for that amount, by the way. That is an absurd amount. [00:38:17] Speaker B: That seemed very extreme. [00:38:18] Speaker A: Like, real. Ferdinand missed a drug, the random drug test they do. And he's actually broached this subject on his podcast recently. It was very interesting. He got done for eight months, which was basically a full season for missing a test. [00:38:33] Speaker B: Was he even on the. [00:38:35] Speaker A: He went on anything. And basically what he makes a big point of us is that they made an example of him, really, because he was the first to ever do anything like that. And they were accusing him of purposely missing it because he was on something. But what he told on the podcast recently is that they basically said, in the middle of training doctors here at the end to do a random judge test, and he forgot and left and went for a meal, and that was it. Missed the phone call and then basically rushed back and they were like, too late. Tough shit. Got done for a season. [00:39:02] Speaker B: That is mad. [00:39:03] Speaker A: But other than that, no one's ever really been. No one's ever really been done for it. And if they have, it's been squashed up, which I will get too late later. And on that note, our main segment. [00:39:15] Speaker B: Today, the title of the episode. [00:39:18] Speaker A: The title of the episode is what? Conspiracies. [00:39:21] Speaker B: No, I got to go again. [00:39:23] Speaker A: Conspiracies. The other way around. [00:39:25] Speaker B: Yeah, be that way around, but. [00:39:26] Speaker A: Well, maybe not the title. [00:39:27] Speaker B: What did we say was cults and conspiracies. [00:39:29] Speaker A: Cults and conspiracies. [00:39:30] Speaker B: That's the one. Do it again. [00:39:32] Speaker A: Cults and. Cults and conspiracies. [00:39:35] Speaker B: There you go. Now you get it. [00:39:36] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:39:37] Speaker B: You just made her work because she has to do that. That's on her edit. She's doing that. [00:39:42] Speaker A: That's your thing. You're good at that. You're going to do some little sprinkles like, oh, I will do anyway, carry on. You've been begging us for it and we are happy to oblige because it's something we could do, we could talk about a lot. And to be honest, I was saying off camera, I'm leaning on Liam heavy for this, because this is Liam's time to shine. I didn't even bother doing much research on my stuff because Liam's going to waffle on, quite rightly. And I tried to bring a couple of little different ones, and I don't even know how to structure this because we were going to do a list. [00:40:13] Speaker B: We'll just go one after another. [00:40:14] Speaker A: I'm not even asked about a list. [00:40:15] Speaker B: We'll just go one after another. But before we get in, I want to talk about the origin of the word, because I think that's important. Because I think we teach here. We teach here. We deliver. Because I think when someone hears conspiracy, and you said, what's a definition? They hear something that might be true, might not be true. [00:40:33] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [00:40:34] Speaker B: I think more the definition is strictly, like a common, believed truth. [00:40:40] Speaker A: Yeah. That's not. [00:40:41] Speaker B: Which isn't the mainstream truth in a way. [00:40:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:40:45] Speaker B: But there's more ones that are confirmed. We know, like, you can't say 911 is a conspiracy because obviously the story that's been told is obviously not what happened. Which is kind of the most famous example of, hey, you know where we said this happened? Obviously didn't. [00:40:58] Speaker A: Didn't happen. [00:40:59] Speaker B: Yeah. We found their passports on the floor in the rubble. He found two unburnt passports in the rubble and went, it happens to be this guy. Yeah. Oh, the explosions went off before the plane even hit the building. I can't be asked. Anyway, there's no point even mentioning that one because it's so. [00:41:14] Speaker A: That's why I didn't want to do a list, because I thought if we do a list. [00:41:18] Speaker B: There was no point even talking about now. [00:41:20] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:41:20] Speaker B: Because what's the point? [00:41:21] Speaker A: And that's another reason why I like the fact that you're defining it as well, because the second the word conspiracy comes up, I think 50% of people go, swipe. Don't want to hear that. And 50% go, yes. Come on. [00:41:35] Speaker B: But also, I want to say on that, the origin of it. So the term came about after a few years after the JFK assassination, and it was coined by the CIA. All this is public record. I'm not making stuff. [00:41:46] Speaker A: The term was coined by the CIA. [00:41:47] Speaker B: The term was coined by the CIA because of all the JFK assassination. And the american people were not believing the story that they were being told. And there was obviously rumors that they were saying, I'm not trusting my government, that they're being 100 on this because Lehavi Oswald couldn't have done that, because whatever, that was the common spoken word in pop culture, that people weren't believing it. So the CIA coined the term conspiracy theory that they were pinning on people saying, you're this. [00:42:15] Speaker A: And people, the 80s, fake news in it. People just slap fake news on anything now to make it look like it. [00:42:20] Speaker B: And people didn't want to be coined for that. And going, that's Sam Kappa. He's a conspiracy theorist. So people go, oh, what's that? I don't want to be associated with that. That's clever that I didn't know that it is. But this is the same thing where they've got, like, you know, the Freedom Information act, where they can hold on to stuff for 50 years. So that's how we knew. [00:42:36] Speaker A: Like, that's why we're getting bare alien shit now in it. [00:42:38] Speaker B: Well, yeah, and obviously stuff about, like, not too many years ago, Emmett till and that whole case, and loads of details came out about it. And he said that he never did anything wrong, and the woman lied about. [00:42:47] Speaker A: It and admitted it on deathbed and admitted about it. [00:42:49] Speaker B: But we didn't know that for the longest time because of that pact where after that time, now you have to release it. And most of the stuff we're talking about, there is hard, soiled evidence online that you can go and read for free, but it's buried the way they do it. They go, hey, we have to come truth about this thing where we did something really messed up, but we're going to bury it in 20,000 pages of other stuff and talk about, hey, we really messed up in Cuba when we killed a lot of people, but here's a load of stuff we did before and after, just normal stuff and regulations. So you really have to find it. [00:43:21] Speaker A: Which is exactly why we've been saying. [00:43:23] Speaker B: Timestamped person, federal government. I don't know what more proof you could have if you were someone who's. [00:43:29] Speaker A: The redacted documents aren't with a lot of stuff you can find now. It's not like Jimmy Neutron and he's like, word document. [00:43:36] Speaker B: It's crystal clear. If you actually want to put in any effort and go, what's the one show saying? I'm believing it. [00:43:43] Speaker A: This is why, I know we talked about the Miami alien joke and all that rubbish, but this is why we, me and you've been laughing recently, and I'm sure lots of people say this as well, but we're getting actually given, I'm not even going to say drip. Well, we are getting dripped, but we're getting given information from, even the BBC, from NASA, from Barack Obama said it about UFOs and aliens and all this stuff. We never thought we'd hear official mainstream media outlets say. And it's just funny in it, because if they're saying that, what are they not saying? [00:44:20] Speaker B: That's it. [00:44:20] Speaker A: And that's a little segue because at the end of the day, with that Freedom of Information Act, I think they're telling us now they're releasing pictures from fighter jets of like some UFO screenshot because they've got to release maybe ten things in that week because that's run out of, it's 50 years or whatever. So we'll give them that one, give them a picture. But if they're actually telling us this stuff now, what are they not telling us? That's what I find hilarious. [00:44:44] Speaker B: So I think it's just the more important that people have critical thinking for themselves. And it's something I would teach my children to. Just everything you see, you need to be thinking, not putting you tin foil hat, but I'm just saying critical thinking of to think, what am I being told in? Why is this important for me to know? And what would be the benefit of me knowing this information? Because it's weird. When you learn about in school, you learn about like war propaganda and you go, that was crazy. They didn't see that coming. British people, how did you not believe that? [00:45:15] Speaker A: Anyway, here's SpongeBob with like subliminal messaging. [00:45:19] Speaker B: And then it's happening now more than ever. We're going, well, it's obviously not happening now because that was in the eightyes. Obviously they're not doing even more now. [00:45:28] Speaker A: Because we got more media to consume. [00:45:29] Speaker B: Is it happening more now than ever? [00:45:31] Speaker A: But they're obviously like, they're never going to. Oh, God, I'm going to bypass that because we're just going to make it sound like a nutter. But my point being biased, obviously, I think we're perfect for this conversation because we ain't like, COVID vaccine is going to give you all cancer and all this shit. We're not idiots. I already had it. We're not all idiots. I think it's a healthy part of society to question. It is. I mean, oh, my God. I've got to give a special shout out to one of Lills's through the lens kids, because when they asked as they were leaving what the podcast was on, talked about conspiracy. [00:46:10] Speaker B: Can we stay and watch? And went, no, you can't. This is not the kind of one you could watch. [00:46:13] Speaker A: And then one of them shouted out, was like, I think aliens are underwater. And came out with so much information. [00:46:18] Speaker B: About, like, why did NASA stop looking in the water and they go to look to the stars? What did they find underwater that they wanted to stop me? Like, that's a great point. [00:46:26] Speaker A: She's eleven. I was like, do you know what? You can come on. Right? [00:46:31] Speaker B: Share your thoughts. [00:46:32] Speaker A: Because it was fantastic. [00:46:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:46:33] Speaker A: So, I mean, I don't even know where to start because there's not much I want to dip into, but I feel like you're just, like, biting. I feel like you're literally bleeding. [00:46:43] Speaker B: It's fine. [00:46:43] Speaker A: And Norman excited to hear it as well. Well, I thought, is it only right to start on what's really on everyone's minds at the moment, relevancy wise? And that is muster P. Diddy talk on that first. [00:46:57] Speaker B: I didn't write anything for that then, but we can discuss it. Nope. [00:47:00] Speaker A: So I'm just going off everything I've. [00:47:01] Speaker B: Seen and that's inside my brain for the last few years. We knew what was going on, that. [00:47:07] Speaker A: Liam would, like, forget my middle name, but remember some, like, I don't know your middle name. Yes, you do know my middle name. Edford, for God's sake. [00:47:14] Speaker B: Well, there you go. I forgot it really quickly and I remembered it. [00:47:17] Speaker A: Yeah, point. [00:47:17] Speaker B: Perfect example. [00:47:18] Speaker A: Exactly. He's had, like, a sieve. [00:47:20] Speaker B: It's fine for certain things. [00:47:22] Speaker A: Yeah, it's fine. Blame the chemo. But the point being, you will also remember, like, oh, P. Diddy's great uncle's granddad who bummed him growing up or something. Like, remember all of those names. [00:47:33] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:34] Speaker A: So that's why I was kind of leaning on you for this bit. But I've listened to so much of the P. Diddy stuff coming out recently. And for those who don't know, I guess this is. [00:47:41] Speaker B: Yeah, round it up. [00:47:42] Speaker A: Yeah. To summarize, the p. Diddy case at the moment has been on the top. It's been on the tip of every hip hop historian's tongue for a long time. I mean, I remember you telling me about this when I was only just getting into hip hop a couple of years ago, but it's been very under the covers, and a lot of people had an idea about, everyone knew Diddy was a bit shady. Everyone knew that Diddy was doing a lot of dodgy, dodgy stuff. Long story short. Anyway, so I believe it's the producer from his last album that's brought this forward, am I right? And saying, so he has. [00:48:14] Speaker B: People have spoke about it for years. Oh, yeah, bodyguards. Security people assist bodyguards, artists who never blew up because they said I wasn't going to Diddy and I knew what he was doing and I didn't feel like it was worth my integrity or whatever all my life. [00:48:30] Speaker A: But obviously people are going to say stuff like that, so that's why a lot of it was easy to bury, wasn't it? Now, the point is, now this producer, and this is only from an album, what, a year or two ago, and this producer's been around him for a long time, so it backlogs a lot. But it's more the fact that anyway, he's brought this lawsuit forward to P. Diddy for a plethora of things, murder, trafficking, sexual assault, everything, every bad thing that you can think of to the point where they've said worse than Epstein. [00:49:07] Speaker B: Yeah, well, they keep calling it the Epstein of the rap game. Epstein is the p. Diddy version of Hollywood. [00:49:15] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:49:15] Speaker B: It's the same thing, but for the. [00:49:17] Speaker A: Music industry, because it branches out of the rap industry. I mean, Justin Bieber and Usher, like, that's not hip, know, and it goes deep into all that stuff. But anyway, the one thing I really wanted to mention was that I did see a really good point and I forgot the guy. I'm going to feel really bad because I really want to tag him, but the guy that millions of followers doesn't care. But the one you sent me, anyway. No, the one you sent me that was breaking it all down. Oh, my God. Like eight minute videos of all the redacted statements. Because obviously this lawsuit is now public, and everything that is in the lawsuit is public. Now, obviously they're only accusations, but the point being, and I think it's really important to state to make us not look like loonies and not look like we just believe in fairy dust. A lawsuit can only be brought forward if it has reasonable grounds to make these accusations. Granted, that doesn't mean that it's complete proof, and obviously all of this, we have to say, is alleged. But at the end of the day. It is illegal to bring a lawsuit forward for stuff pulled out of thin air. And in the lawsuit itself, there's already been evidence that has blown people's minds. He's already got stacks of witness statements from ex bodyguards, like you say, ex rappers, ex artists. All this stuff, this guy has come locked and loaded. And it's actually because what I saw was, I mean, it depends how much we want to go into. Are we just going to do it? [00:50:42] Speaker B: We're going to dance around here? [00:50:44] Speaker A: What I'm going to say is that this guy, from what I saw, he said the straw that brought the camels back was he woke up naked, drugged and dizzy in a bed with P. Diddy and someone else can't remember. It was. And the worst had happened, as you can imagine. And he was the latest and a long line of people that that had happened to, and that's why he brought this forward. But obviously it contains everything. He's been trafficking kids. I don't know, I found it really hard to summarize because I think from what I saw, it was absolutely massive. And it was going into the fact that P. Diddy opened bad boy records when he was 24 years old and I forgot all the names. He's like, is it Clive Davis or something like that? [00:51:29] Speaker B: No, it's Clive Brown. Clive, I know you're talking about Kanye. [00:51:33] Speaker A: West said he's the devil. Yeah, and another ten famous people have said he is the devil. And anyway, is this like. Well, I was going to call gentlemen. Well, yeah, he's an older gentleman. He's basically been behind gentleman, sorry. He's an older, older prick who's been around every. Been behind, pardon the pun, behind everyone in the music industry for the last 60 years. Aretha Franklin. From Aretha Franklin to outcast was what basically usher, Justin Bieber, Shania Twain. But like, everyone, this don's like 91 of those creeps walks around in, like, still wearing orange sunglasses thinking he's cool. He's basically the Donald Trump of the music industry, sprinkled with a bit more pedophilia in there and with a bit more satanism, disgusting Satanism, which is saying a lot to say that you're Donald Trump sprinkled with more satanic. [00:52:22] Speaker B: Yeah, no, he's definitely what he is. [00:52:24] Speaker A: An evil, evil man. And it was like basically, who was p. Diddy being taught by and groomed by this man, gifted P. Diddy a record label at 24 to basically carry on his current legacy? I'm absolutely amazed that it's took this long to be honest, because people forget PDD is in his 50s now. Well, this is dominated. [00:52:50] Speaker B: He's either going to go to jail for a couple of decades for the rest of his life, which I don't think is unlikely, or he's going to get. Either he's going to get eliminated, or really, what's more likely going to happen is they'll say, oh, is a suicide, but nobody. And then he's just going to go. [00:53:06] Speaker A: Lost the camera footage for two minutes. [00:53:08] Speaker B: He's going to go living somewhere else under a different alert, on different name, get a new face, and just carry on living his life on the quiet for the next 40 years and no one'll ever hear from again. And he's never going to be seen the limelight. [00:53:19] Speaker A: Exactly. And the thing is, and I think what's even possibly worse than Hollywood is the fact that in the music industry, obviously, I know in Hollywood, people sign for multifilm deals and contracts and stuff like that, but in the music industry, it's particularly unique in the sense that you are owned for the next 1520 years of your life for some people, and especially because, I mean, I guess like actors as well, but musicians, music is one of the only businesses in the world where you can grab someone from the ass end of nowhere that hasn't had a pot to piss in the whole life, give them the world, and they're going to lap it up and sadly, not have the experience, the knowledge, the maturity, the know how, the tools to even question stuff to get mean. I'm not the person to talk on it for obvious reasons, but there's been so much documented in like, and so much incredible work being done by so many people. And I know Jay Z is questionable in what we're even talking about, because some people are even saying that it could be even just as bad as p. Diddy, 1000% even just for him bringing up the stuff. Rap lyrics can't be used as evidence in court anymore. So, I mean, that might be a bad example because he could be just as bad. But my point being, there's been a lot of work at the moment because the black culture, and especially young black musicians and young black artists, some of them anyway, are coming from places where they got no school knowledge and they're throwing these contracts in front of them with just over unnecessary legal jargon just to scare them. And then shotgalo ten minutes later, they signed up for 20 years alive, and they've got every dodgy thing in their contract. And my point being, really, is the fact that in the music industry. And the reason why P. Diddy can be instrumental and pull all these strings the way he's doing is because in these contracts, there's been all of this stuff about sexual blackmail. And that has been a big one that I saw all this stuff about. And it blew my mind because I think, to be honest, even with the cat Williams interview that we talked about, when they're talking about even cat Williams talking about, oh, well, he had to wear a dress. I know it's because it's 2024, but that shit, I just was like. And I mean, wearing a dress, I mean, I know it's different at the time, but to think that the blackmail was because they were wearing a dress, I didn't really get. [00:55:49] Speaker B: This is the thing on that, that this is their humiliation trial, what they're doing, which is a big thing in that part of that Freemason culture that if you want to get to the top, you need to humiliate yourself. [00:56:01] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:56:02] Speaker B: But we have the power of you for that. So you think Will Smith was getting his slap, getting his Oscar? Unless he gave that slap. You don't think that that's exactly what he's doing? You don't think that there was also. There's so many examples of this where someone has done something or they've had their fall and their big embarrassing moment, and then right after they get catapulted to success because they've been told, you need to do this so that we can then put you on, we're testing you, and then you can stay on top. P. Diddy having meek Mill, who's a Philadelphia hood rapper, I've been listed for years and says, these bars, I would never sell my soul, goes to jail, comes out, has nothing, and then all of a sudden, he's at P. Diddy and he's calling daddy and saying, I love you in his pool. And obviously then Diddy's now mixing with this just to stay afloat as a rapper. And obviously his reputation has now gone because, you know, what he's had to do for the sake of continued. [00:56:54] Speaker A: That was another thing that, like I said, I say it confused me initially because when I was, this clip was basically delving into. It was splitting up the whole case, and obviously it was having to delve into the history and just the definition of sexual blackmail in music industry and stuff like that. And obviously, a lot of it was with secret, well, people high up in the industry that were secretly homosexual or whatever. And obviously, like, now to think that one of the biggest things we've laughed and we're like, it's all come out. P. Diddy's a murderer or this and that PD's gay one's going, what? [00:57:28] Speaker B: I saw so many jokes. [00:57:30] Speaker A: PD Diddy's murdered people, sexually trafficked kids, all this awful stuff. He's also gay. [00:57:35] Speaker B: Sorry, what? [00:57:36] Speaker A: Yeah, and it baffles me because I'm like, it's 2024. [00:57:38] Speaker B: That's the least important thing you can. [00:57:40] Speaker A: And it's also the least, like who gives a shit? I mean that just feels like I'm trying to get points there but that didn't surprise me. But then when this guy was breaking it down, obviously when you get to this Clyde, whatever he's called, when we're talking about music officials and politicians and all the people at the top 1%, 100 years ago, them being secretly gay and holding that on them was like the biggest information he could get. He said all this stuff that has obviously now been redacted and found out now that these officials had pictures of him with young boys and stuff like that and that picture never getting leaked was the reason why he still had a career. But he always got to do what, always had to do what they wanted. The fact that's carried on, I mean hopefully for obvious reasons and just for pure evil, unevil reasons that's going to die out anyway because who gives a shit about holding sexual orientation to people's throats as a threat? But that's basically he did, he's carried on that legacy and obviously because of hip hop culture as Kanye west talked about a lot of the time James Gambinian talked about a lot of the time Tyler Crater has been great for. Because Tyler Crater doesn't really give a shit about, I mean we still don't really know what sexual orientation Tyler Craig is because he doesn't really care and that's cool or whatever. But I mean the hip hop culture is still so the stigma is awful and the homophobia is awful. And it's clear now to me after what I saw that that's probably trailing behind on modern day culture because of all of this blackmail. Yeah, which sounds, I mean it's obvious to say to you, blackmail because of all of the sexual blackmail. And it's clear that all these young artists when they're signing up contracts, it's like they literally sign a contract and then they thrown in a room getting all of the exposing pictures taken out of the room going okay, just make sure you follow the contract. Now none of them see exactly that and it's as simple as that. [00:59:29] Speaker B: Or it's the same with Kenya. Talked about how sacrificing his mom and the amount of artists and it's so prevalent and it's such a trend and it's so obvious to see the babies. I can't remember who it was in his family member that's close to him dies. And then next week he's got a number one song, billboard. Megan Thee stallion mom dies. Next thing, oh, she signed a massive label. And it's so obvious now this is a case of. And people have spoken about this. You could go onto YouTube, TikTok, whatever, and find real examples of artists who've spoken about this and said, my mum, brother, sister, grandma was killed so I could have a record deal. Be kid Blue could be a massive name tomorrow if you let them do you every which way control your music. [01:00:07] Speaker A: Your fucking died of dreadful things to me. [01:00:10] Speaker B: I'm not going to get any money out of it. No. And your mum's got a bounce. [01:00:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:13] Speaker B: Do you know what I mean? So it's as simple as that. That's the terms that it's going to take. [01:00:18] Speaker A: I mean, there's also. Is he called Orlando Brown? I forgot his name. Yeah. He's calling people out, obviously. Ever since this is coming out, he's like rubbing his fingers because he's like. [01:00:30] Speaker B: He knows a lot of the stuff that. [01:00:31] Speaker A: And that's what I was going to say. He's one of them. That's like, for everything that he brings authenticity to, he also brings a bit of bonkers nutcase to. [01:00:42] Speaker B: It's sad because he knows a lot and he's seen it being working for Disney as a kid, he will have seen all of it and knows it all inside out. But because he's such a nutter, it's easy to go. This guy's crazy. [01:00:53] Speaker A: Exactly. I mean, he's even talking about, like Prince and mean. I think what's scary is overall, and for people that don't really pay too much attention is like, none of our idols are safe from. I mean, you should be looking twice. [01:01:06] Speaker B: At who your idol is. And really, if you wanted to be like that, because as we'll get onto it, people like Oprah, obviously, the rock. [01:01:15] Speaker A: My 55 year old mum knows Oprah is basically Hitler, devil reincarnated. [01:01:19] Speaker B: Yeah. Times twelve. [01:01:20] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. So the PDD thing, basically, I wanted to wrap up with the fact that I think we're going to see Jeffrey Epstein 2.0, if not worse, or come out soon. Okay. So we'll move on for PDD anyway, because that's all going to come out anyway and everyone's going to see it. But it is, I think the music industry street is obviously fucked just as much as Hollywood is. And I think people are going to see that because people are seeing it. [01:01:44] Speaker B: Now more than ever. [01:01:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:01:45] Speaker B: And it's. [01:01:45] Speaker A: Everyone opened up after Jeffrey Epstein. And this is the equivalent that's going. [01:01:48] Speaker B: To show the only people that are left are either your grandma who thinks the world's sunshine and rainbows, or people who are watching the news every night and really believe that what they're being told is everything. That's their government is just shooting 100% from their free throws and they're just giving everything as is. [01:02:05] Speaker A: Because this is it. I'll never ever forget. I studied politics at a level, and I'll never ever forget, and this was in 2015, that 89% of the British, just the british alone. So America is obviously ten times worse. The british media, mainstream media, so news and paper, newspapers and just TV news, 89% is owned by conservative shareholders. Right. That doesn't surprise me. But that is a shocking stat. It is, right? That's in the UK, where we don't. [01:02:34] Speaker B: Have Hollywood, and in America, it's a thousand times worse. [01:02:38] Speaker A: And all this stuff I was hearing, this clive brown, he might be a music exec and all this, and you get your. I forgot, who's the dude that was on American Idol? La Reid. People like that, they might just be Hollywood execs. They're in every single Hollywood pocket, they're in every single politician's like, you can't. [01:02:57] Speaker B: Be in that business. [01:03:00] Speaker A: They own all of the news. And that's exactly why all of these people have dodged any kind of accountability for all this time. But anyway, we'll move on. I suppose that's. [01:03:10] Speaker B: There's a good cover of the introduction to it. The first one I need to talk about is break is Bohemian Grove, because we've touched on this a tiny bit and I've got. [01:03:20] Speaker A: I was hoping you were going to. [01:03:20] Speaker B: Say the notes for it, for this one, but I'm just going to give it to him. So this revolves around the sinister gathering of the elite every year in a California forest, whatever called Bohemian Grove, which was somewhat like in, like the 1870s or something ridiculous, but since then, and it's been photographed before, you've seen, there's one picture when it's got like Ronald Reagan and loads of the presidents in this corporations, and they're all in there. [01:03:47] Speaker A: They are leaked photos, by the way. [01:03:49] Speaker B: I'm going to put them all on thingy. They're all going to be up on screen at this point. [01:03:52] Speaker A: Can I just say, as well, I think one thing that always makes me laugh, and you get at this a lot with flat earth, is like, how would they see giant photos in 1968? [01:04:00] Speaker B: Yeah. They're not. [01:04:01] Speaker A: It's a real photo. [01:04:02] Speaker B: Well, anyway. On this. [01:04:03] Speaker A: Anyway. Yeah. [01:04:04] Speaker B: In the year 2000, filmmaker and now deplatformed journalist. They only have a deplatformed people who really tell them Alex Jones snuck in in 2000 with a video camera and filmed what was going on in here. And obviously at NASM, you can't tell who it is exactly, but these people are your world leaders, corporations, your biggest celebrities or whatever, and they were sacrificing an effigy. They're burning, obviously, like an effigy to this giant owl figure, Moloch, in the middle of this, who's known and spoken in the Bible, in Leviticus, to be linked with child sacrifice. So they're worshipping an owl ovo in this forest, and it's all your great leaders, your Elon Musk, your Bill Gates are in this forest, and they're all worshiping this giant wooden figure whose name and everything associated with is to do with child sacrifice. And obviously what they're planning is cheese pizza. What? [01:05:02] Speaker A: Cheese pizza. [01:05:03] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. We'll get on to that new world order and the shaping of the world that you see, and it's the world. [01:05:10] Speaker A: As we know it, and there's no. [01:05:12] Speaker B: Way you can brush it off, because this one's not even a conspiracy, neither next one's. Because it's just an actual fact of things that are taking place where these people who are running your countries are meeting up on a yearly basis, doing rituals and satanic practices and deciding how you live your life and what the storybook of that year is. [01:05:32] Speaker A: It's like, do you not think it's funny now that people don't even laugh at the Illuminati anymore? [01:05:36] Speaker B: Well, no, because anyone doesn't believe in the Illuminati under ten or over nine. [01:05:40] Speaker A: Yeah, because this is the thing I always laugh with, Liam, because the only thing I draw the line at is the religious aspect of it. But I think that when it comes to stuff like this, it's just power trips in. It's just evil power trips. And whatever represents an evil power trip, they're all going to worship. And it's just part of. What's the word? It's almost ceremonial. That's what meant. Yeah, and that's just because I'm not religious, so to not believe in God, I also don't believe in Satan. So I just think is. [01:06:09] Speaker B: But the thing is, they believe in Satan. [01:06:11] Speaker A: Yeah, they believe in Satan and they're worshipping traditional evil things. So it's like that stuff's the same ritual they were doing 200 years ago. So that's why it's still going like that. Yeah, I obviously completely believe, and I think that's the reason why people are starting to not discredit the Illuminati anymore, because everyone used to just think it was just that kind of stuff, whereas now people are realizing, well, obviously someone's clearly pulling strings, but it's obvious enough. [01:06:40] Speaker B: Because of the signs and, you know, who your celebrities are that are in it, because it's just accepted this point where people don't care or they're just ignorant to it. So you just don't put them on a pedestal, these people, because they're not your friends, they do not have your best interest at heart. And their job is to sell you their message of whatever their narrative they've been told to push is. It's the same thing with Israel and Palestine. All your american favorite celebrities that are almost all in phone Israel. [01:07:06] Speaker A: Do you think it's a coincidence they're all going pro Israel? [01:07:10] Speaker B: All their media is owned by jewish people, so all they're getting pushed is their jewish, pro jewish propaganda. And also, second to that, all their. [01:07:18] Speaker A: Labels, management, I want to save you there quick, because I think the difference there is as well, that it's like the people in the israeli government that we all hate, and obviously not the israeli people. It's the israeli government and all the Mossad and all the rich Israelis, the 1% Israelis that are all dodgy are the ones that own everything. And I think that's the common misception that, not to speak over you, but that's the common misconception that's causing a lot of debate at the moment of, I mean, it baffles me that people cannot differentiate criticizing the israeli government and criticizing jewish people, because obviously, none of this is aimed at jewish people. Obviously, the whole Israel Palestine thing at the moment. I mean, to think that Jeremy Corbyn was called an anti Semite for calling the israeli government, well, sadistic pricks, basically. But that's my point. Like the israeli government that extends to know rich figures, israeli politics, everyone who follows that narrative and everyone who follows that wants the same things. And they all spread to America, and they all own the Hollywood companies, they all own the music companies, and they're the people that obviously own all these actors. And that's what you're getting at. Because I just wanted to quickly stress that. [01:08:30] Speaker B: Because, no, it's good. [01:08:31] Speaker A: It's fair to stress that, as with you, it baffles me that people can't differentiate that and think that that would be an attack on jewish people. It's fucking not, is it? Clearly attack on, but it's obviously there because these rich people of every fucking ethnicity or race whatever that have just taken us all for a ride. But yeah, they don't like you. I mean, do you remember when the list got released of people that had signed Joe Biden's thing or whatever and they're all like, all of the actors you thought were the nicest people, every one of your favorite actors that you're like, no. [01:09:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:09:02] Speaker A: Fucking Gal Gadda and all. I mean, I know she is israeli. [01:09:05] Speaker B: Well, that's the worst. [01:09:06] Speaker A: Fucking fought for the israeli army. Of course she's going to believe hers. [01:09:08] Speaker B: Is actually going to be passionate about the rest of them. Don't think they know. And they're seeing your comments. Chris Pratt. [01:09:12] Speaker A: I can't believe not read anything. [01:09:14] Speaker B: Chris Evans. [01:09:17] Speaker A: Captain America. [01:09:17] Speaker B: Captain America. Captain America is not fair for fighter. [01:09:21] Speaker A: Freedom apart from Palestinians. [01:09:22] Speaker B: His label, his management are saying to him, you need to sign this because the people who own this whole company that you're under, the people who put you in these movies, they're telling you this is what you need to push and you can't do that otherwise because we've got this dirt and you're this dirt and you'll never work again. [01:09:37] Speaker A: And this is why I'm going to be the one to double down and say, kanye west ain't sounding so crazy anymore. I will shamelessly add the disclaimer as like, hitler's fashion sense is not what we should be talking about. [01:09:53] Speaker B: No. [01:09:54] Speaker A: Many of Kanye's things were wrong, obviously, when he's pulling out. And he said, because ye has come out so many times in support of the palestinian people, and he's said many times that he's fought for so many rappers and so many artists that have in their contract, you can't speak out against the israeli government. He said that a year ago. Look where we are. I mean, it baffles me as well, because obviously it's like people have only just realized that Israel and Palestine have been scrapping since October 7, not the last hundred years or whatever. But he said this a year? Yeah, it started to look a lot less crazy to people. Isn't it. [01:10:27] Speaker B: Dave Chappelle said last year on SNL when he was on his, he would, because it was at the time before this all kicked off and he was. [01:10:35] Speaker A: Talking about, was it a couple of weeks after Kanye? That's why he said it. [01:10:37] Speaker B: And he said, if you want to know who you're controlled by, figure out who you're not allowed to talk about or talk against. [01:10:44] Speaker A: Wow. [01:10:45] Speaker B: And he basically danced around the question that the people who own SNL, who were at the top there, the people who own CNN, Fox, all those are owned by one certain group and they're not going to let you say anything that doesn't fit their narrative because people are forgetting. [01:11:00] Speaker A: He got away with that because it was live and it was not the monologue that SNL thought he was doing. [01:11:04] Speaker B: Yeah, exactly. [01:11:05] Speaker A: Because I remember seeing so many comments going, well, obviously not because SNL fucking live TV. Have you not known you can't watch on YouTube? Have you not known you can't watch any of Kendrick Lamar's Grammy performances on YouTube? Just put the fucking thing on mute, for God's sakes. CBS aren't going to let you watch that shit. [01:11:24] Speaker B: Did you ever see the Jim Kerry interview when he was on Jimmy Kimmel and he Illuminati? [01:11:29] Speaker A: So clearly not joking about everything. Jimmy Kimmel's just like. [01:11:32] Speaker B: And Jimmy's obviously very nervous because he's tied to a lot of these people, friends with like Hillary, who's got a very sketchy, dangerous past. [01:11:40] Speaker A: And there's loads cracking email inbox. [01:11:42] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. But listen, we'll get to that. And there's lots of laughing in the scene or whatever. And there's loads in the comments. Like, I was here at this event on this day, and I promise you no one was laughing in the audience and it was not like that. [01:11:54] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:11:57] Speaker B: And looked at him gone. That laugh is identical to that laugh because they inserted to try and make it seem light hearted and funny because you're going, it's only Jim Carrey being a silly billy. [01:12:05] Speaker A: And that's Jim Carrey for you. [01:12:06] Speaker B: It's him saying, this is something that's happening and I'm here to. And he said, I'm here to blow the lid in it. And Kim was like, what are you talking about? I don't know what. Tell us about sonic whatever. And he's obviously saying, like, trying to openly say this is what's going on and says, people are waking up now. [01:12:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Why do you think someone like Jim Carrey? I mean, the thing is, actually, I'm going to kind of maybe quash my own debate. And I think the reason why we'll never convince everybody is because it's very easy to make these people look crazy. Jim Carrey fucking disappearing off Face of the earth, growing a beard and not having a cell phone, going to look like an idiot and into many people. Not the fact that he wants nothing to do with everything. [01:12:46] Speaker B: No. [01:12:46] Speaker A: And he would have seen everything. [01:12:48] Speaker B: Of course he would. [01:12:49] Speaker A: Why do you think he don't make any films anymore, work in this business? For the same reason he looks crazy. It's the same reason it's all fucking blaring. [01:12:55] Speaker B: This is why when he's someone who we don't consider crazy, like when Tom Holland did that interview and he said that Hollywood terrifies him, he was thinking he was like, Hollywood, don't drink anymore. Scares me. [01:13:05] Speaker A: Doesn't party anymore. [01:13:06] Speaker B: I love making movies, but the business is really scary to me and it really scares me. What do you think scares him? Making millions of dollars playing Spiderman all day. [01:13:16] Speaker A: Director's shouting at him. It's nerve wracking. [01:13:18] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:13:18] Speaker A: It's everything else that makes Spiderman say Palestinians are pricks. [01:13:24] Speaker B: That goes into it, that he's seen and been around to know the people that he's worked with. And he would have seen things that he knows are outrageously sinister because Marvel. [01:13:34] Speaker A: Disney, Nazis, he's at the top. Tom Hollander will be working and within the confines of everyone with the agenda. And he will have been told some right things. [01:13:46] Speaker B: That's what I mean. [01:13:48] Speaker A: And Tom Holland ain't so crazy. [01:13:49] Speaker B: No, but I want to talk on this now before I go to Oprah Winfrey. Now I've mentioned the John for the Oprah jugular. Yeah, I mentioned John McPhee. I love this one. [01:13:58] Speaker A: Please tell everybody. [01:13:59] Speaker B: So to give context to this, I'm going to read this out because I wrote this out on the way here. [01:14:02] Speaker A: In the make it really dumb for who he is because everybody knows what McCaffey is. [01:14:07] Speaker B: Everyone knows McCaffrey. So John McCaffey, the creator of the antivirus software, the one that used to. [01:14:12] Speaker A: Piss you off in the bottom left. [01:14:13] Speaker B: Of your screen, worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Now, the US government raided his property in 2012. As a revenge, he donated a ton of laptops to the US government with preloaded spyware so he could watch. They were doing all of this is in an interview from his own words. So if this sounds like I'm making this up as it's going on, they. [01:14:32] Speaker A: Didn'T deep fake in 2012. By the way, just saying. [01:14:35] Speaker B: No, he was looking for information about the set up for the raid on his property. So if he's worth hundreds of millions and he's got this spyware that he made himself within a team, you can certainly best believe he gave it to a few US secretaries to get that information. He didn't find out anything about the raid, but he did find out the minister of national defense was the largest drug trafficker in all of Central America. The minister of immigration was the largest human trafficker in all of North America. The minister of immigration, Sam. He also found a lot of information, obviously, in regards to the 33,000 deleted emails from Hillary when it was her discussing celebrities and politician, what she was. [01:15:18] Speaker A: Getting up to, pizza orders. [01:15:21] Speaker B: He was going to bring all this to the US Supreme Court in late 2019. He was getting sole messages from the US government. They were going to eliminate him and make it look like a suicide. So he got a tattoo in his arm with the words schwacked. So obviously saying, like, the word whacked, like killed, but put a dollar in front of a dollar sign in front of it, because that's obviously what it was all about. But as you can imagine, before he could bring it, killed himself, didn't he? He killed himself in a spanish prison. So he basically said. [01:15:49] Speaker A: And they lost all the footage for it as well. All the course CCTV footage, though, if. [01:15:53] Speaker B: You Google John McCaffrey death, it'll just say suicide in thingy. But they put out a tweet when he got the tattoo saying, I am not suicidal. I will never kill myself. And it's coincidence he had a mountain of evidence against all your favorite pop culture icons and celebrities and icons owned. [01:16:12] Speaker A: And made the security software that kept all of their secrets. [01:16:17] Speaker B: Secrets, yeah. And then when he was looking, going, hold on, Hillary's doing who with what? All right, well, I better just dial up the phone of the Supreme Court. And they went, bring it in. We want to see that. And I goes, no worries, I'll be there. Doesn't make it because he's dead if it's just not the most obvious elimination you'll ever see. You know, when you're in history in high school, and you learn about loads, obviously, in the past of assassinations of this person, that person, but it seems so in the past, and you're like, well, of course, this doesn't happen today. No one's getting eliminated for this left, right and center worse than ever when speaking of this one, just because it just came at my head now, obviously, from Michael Jackson was your biggest case ever. Michael's innocent. I'm not into anything else on it. If you do Michael, research on it. Nice. When Michael Aaron Carter dead of suicide, another one said that he was told by the FBI when he was younger that he had to come to them and he was going to make a statement about he was being pressured and his mum was being pressured. He'd come forward and say, michael did things to him, touched him, whatever, because. [01:17:24] Speaker A: They wanted 3 million. [01:17:25] Speaker B: And he's like, no, Michael never did that. And obviously the reason they wanted to do that is so that Michael can go away. He loses his whole catalogue and they get billions of his. Because he was going to move away from Sony records after his deal was up. So they said to him, you need to say this, we'll give you a little bit of money. You say, Michael did this to you and that'll be enough. We can get people doing that. And he said, no, Michael never did this. This guy did. This guy did. This guy did. [01:17:49] Speaker A: And, you know, that guy was fucking p. Diddy. It all goes back. [01:17:53] Speaker B: There you go. But the point was. And then the day before he died, do you want to guess who he tweeted? [01:17:57] Speaker A: Come on. [01:17:58] Speaker B: Kanye west. Because he wanted to meet him because he needed to discuss some stuff when Kanye was. I think it could have been last year, the summer before, whatever. But he tweeted. Kanye was his last tweet saying they needed to meet. Obviously, they couldn't have someone who had this sort of information meeting with someone who's arguably one of the top most famous people on earth who was going to be discussing this sort of stuff and bringing. [01:18:19] Speaker A: Because as they've proved, they can take Kanye off everything and people are still going to hear what he says. [01:18:23] Speaker B: So the old gunshot to the back of the head suicide. [01:18:27] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, classic. [01:18:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:30] Speaker A: But I remember, ironically, that's what. Because there's two things, really obviously, Michael. [01:18:34] Speaker B: Jackson not staying on Spotify. [01:18:37] Speaker A: Michael Jackson's ex bodyguard has obviously come out and done a big interview recently, so many of spobile and dropped so much stuff and no shock at all to hear that. He says, michael's completely good guy. He had the media on, walking, like you knew all this. [01:18:51] Speaker B: He had a career of 30 years from the 70s. No, bit long as 70s until the early 2000s, late 60s. Yeah, we had a long enough career. And he had so many people, assistants, managers, bodyguards, whatever, and countless have come through and had interviews and said, no, he wasn't that guy at all. Because these are how I know. And this is the pressure he was getting. And he knew that they were tapping his phones and knew they were putting a message into him. And he's come out and there's videos of him at his concert saying to people, don't tell anyone this. Obviously some recorded. So you find out and saying, I want to leave Sony records. They're trying to kill me. They're going to frame me. Don't believe the stuff that you're going to hear coming out because they know that I'm taking all their publishing and I'm going to be taking Eminem's publishing. [01:19:35] Speaker A: Music's the most valuable, was the most valuable music ever at that point. [01:19:40] Speaker B: Billions and billions. We knew they were losing out on the most famous man since Jesus Christ. So what's your easy to. [01:19:50] Speaker A: But that bodyguard interview, as well as a lot of the stuff that they were delving into with this video I was watching about P. Diddy and all the music industry and these not, wasn't making a joke when I say it. As you know, it is the same execs that once they realize Michael Jackson's no longer under the thumb, they did everything to try and ruin him. [01:20:09] Speaker B: Yeah, we just discredit him. Kat Williams said the same thing about Chappelle. And he said that when Chappelle told him, when he didn't turn, when he was offered all that money to do Chappelle show and whatever else, and it basically meant, hey, we're going to give you this money, but you can do this. You're joining Illuminati and you're coming under our thumb. And he went, no, and he went to Africa for years and he turned down that money. And he said to Kat Williams, he said, what will people say if they find out what I tell them? And he said, before you can even do that, we will have convinced them that you're crazy. We'll tell them that you're on crack, that you can't be trusted. And he did. And then for years, viewer thought, what a nut job. He's gone to Africa and he lost. [01:20:46] Speaker A: And who did he get interviewed by when he was trying to justify his actions? [01:20:50] Speaker B: The devil herself. [01:20:51] Speaker A: Oprah Winfrey. [01:20:52] Speaker B: Well, this is the thing. We have to talk about. Another one that's not only one of mine I'm going to speak about today is one that I'm like, maybe true, maybe not. One of them I have is like that. I've not mentioned it yet. [01:21:03] Speaker A: Oh, you were saying Oprah? [01:21:04] Speaker B: No, no. [01:21:04] Speaker A: I was going to say, I was like, there's more. [01:21:06] Speaker B: No, doubt if you're following Oprah on Instagram right now. Unfollow. [01:21:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:21:11] Speaker B: If you do any research onto her as a person and the people that she's been connected with and the amount of assistance management, please drop them. [01:21:20] Speaker A: By the way, right now, the names. Yeah, well, I don't remember a lot of their names. [01:21:25] Speaker B: The people that have been. [01:21:26] Speaker A: People don't. This is the stuff people don't know and that's why they laugh it off. [01:21:29] Speaker B: The amount of people that have been associated with her that are now in prison or dead for human trafficking, drug trafficking, the works is an unbelievable amount. And there's so many pictures with her, with Ghislaine Maxwell, with Jeffrey, with Harvey Weinstein that are close friends with these people is outstanding. But the one about Hawai that needs to be mentioned, obviously last summer this happened when we were in Cyprus after last year, so years ago to punt the plant for it. There was a news article about loads of celebrities, millionaires that were living in Maui that had the exact same shade of blue roof. And how funny is this? All these celebrities have got this exact same blue shade roof, right? Now. You remember that last month, two months ago, the UK showed off their new dragonfire weapon? You know, that laser beef fucking their thingy. The comment I saw was, I can't wait for them to use this ethically. [01:22:20] Speaker A: Yeah, that was my favorite. [01:22:22] Speaker B: Which is a horrible way to comment. But this exact point. Because on earth do you even have a weapon like that? Sorry we can't fix your poverty problem, but we do have this swanky new laser beam from the. [01:22:34] Speaker A: We have found an extra 400 billion to invent a fucking laser weapon. [01:22:38] Speaker B: Anyway, so Oprah already owned 1000 acres in total of land in Maui, in their holy land that these people had at the time. Obviously this dragonfire weapon also as DW. So that's direct energy weapon for this. There was pictures, videos, you can go and look this up and report. Some people lived in Maui about a laser beam from the sky that started all the fires last year in Maui. Because there was never a reason when, oh, it was this that caught fire, like to take up that much land. [01:23:08] Speaker A: Wasn't a heat wave either. They didn't even claim it was a heat wave. That's what made me laugh. Because normally they would come out and go, oh, hottest day. [01:23:14] Speaker B: Hottest day. Yeah, but they had water mains turned off, they had police that weren't from there that were directing people away from their homes that weren't on fire, but they were not letting them go back for their possessions or whatever. And the whole land was obviously wiped out apart from all the areas where the celebrities live with these blue roofs. And you can see videos of wasteland and there'll be blue cars unscathed, there'll be absolute waste and then a blue roof of a bus stop, untouched, saying that they knew that this land was going to be obviously taken over and destroyed because they wanted to make it. Billionaires have wanted to make that like a hub for a super city like Dubai for the longest time. And obviously the people of Maui that have been there forever were saying, no. [01:23:56] Speaker A: We'Re not going to let that happen. [01:23:58] Speaker B: But now no need to because you've cleared them out, displaced all these people. [01:24:02] Speaker A: But even the rock jumped behind. [01:24:04] Speaker B: Well, I was going to mention this. So journalists, reporters, whatever, not welcome. Did you ever see on BBC, ITV, any reporters on the land there talking about, talking to people, saying, what happened there? And they're going, oh, it's a fire, whatever. They were saying, no, there's foreign police here, we don't know, tell us we can't go home. The water mains weren't working on the day so we couldn't fix any of this. And then obviously the rock and Oprah were together, both asking donations, donations for curtain this. I'm going to give you the numbers for this. That she's worth 2.8 billion. You can't be a billionaire ethically, but she's worth 2.8 and he's worth 800 million. And they were asking for money from the american and world public saying, we need to do this. The money you give will be put towards rehoming, rehoming, rehoming as well. And everyone in the comments saying, but Oprah, one, you have more than collectively all of us, two, you have 1000 acres of land, you could just give them all your land. But now she can obviously sell this land to these billionaires at a fraction of the price that have all been displaced for this. And it's not even the first place time this has happened. There was, in 2017, there was a mass wildfire around one of her mansions and her properties. All that land got taken out apart from her home. What did she do? Bought that land for pennies on the dollar for nothing because the land is destroyed, the homes are destroyed and conveniently. What? Oh, my backyard is fine, but everything past that for 70 acres is gone. Purchased all of it. So she's collecting land, obviously destroying and killed however many people that died, obviously with displaced last year. But the reports and people, obviously you didn't see this on the news. And it wasn't a huge story because if they went and spoke to the people and said, tell us about what happened in your home. [01:25:48] Speaker A: They would say, fucking laser beam from Sky. [01:25:50] Speaker B: I don't know why. They sound like they're from Bolton. A laser beam came from the sky, took out everything apart from the Oprah's house and all the billionaires that live in her row. And honestly, it's just outrageous that you would. Again, it's not a conspiracy. [01:26:10] Speaker A: It's also shocking as well that that's not even. Never mind. Not even the only. It's not even the worst thing that she's done. [01:26:15] Speaker B: No. She's tied to so many people who have done a lot of mess up things and people that have come out against her and said, this woman is the most evil. The most evil. [01:26:25] Speaker A: How many times has someone like a Jamie Foxx type or something gone on SNL or a talk show host or a talk show or whatever and just, like, hinted at meetings he's had with black elites, Oprah and Quincy Jones. [01:26:41] Speaker B: Yeah, she's. No question. She's empress of the Illuminati. You see a reference in inside job, which obviously canceled because he was spilling the beans too much in it. [01:26:50] Speaker A: No coincidence in series three. [01:26:52] Speaker B: Yeah, because they were like, yeah, a bit too close for comfort there. And obviously South park did the same as well and mentioned her and what she was up to. But it's outrageous. But I have got one, actually, that I'm not. This is the only one that I'm so, so on. [01:27:08] Speaker A: Okay. [01:27:08] Speaker B: Because I feel like it's got really compelling evidence, but not enough. And there'll be nothing that comes out because of how longer it was for me to go. I'm putting all my chips in. So I feel like all the ones I believe are not ones I believe. There's more. Just. This is a fact, and I've just done enough research on it to know what I'm talking about. This is all. I'm like, maybe, but maybe not. This one is that titanic never sunk. [01:27:31] Speaker A: So I've heard bits about this one, but it's not a very popular one, is it? [01:27:35] Speaker B: It's not a popular one only because obviously the details are from 111, twelve years ago now. So there's not a lot to go on. [01:27:44] Speaker A: And there's lots about the wreckage because. [01:27:47] Speaker B: Obviously you can only go off because we never brought it up. There's only the pictures of it. But basically the theory is, as is allegedly, allegedly, the Titanic never shrunk, sunk. The Titanic never sunk, but in fact its sister ship, the RMS Olympic, and it was for an insurance payout. [01:28:06] Speaker A: Oh, God, I do know this one. [01:28:07] Speaker B: So it's fucking brilliant, this one. Basically, it had been falled in a costly accident and theory goes that they switched the ships knowing that the damage would not make the trip. And they painted over where it said the RSS whatever and changed it. And there were a lot of influential passengers who last minute did not make their trip, including Morgan himself, obviously. He's a billionaire giant business now, aussial. [01:28:33] Speaker A: Bank, company that funded the glaciers by Man United. [01:28:36] Speaker B: There you go. And the Federal Reserve bank in America. But there's a lot of comparison online and material about plans, obviously from the blueprints of both ships and inconsistencies in the ones that we've seen the pictures from when it obviously first set sail and the ones that were the bottom and go, this is different, the windows are different and the shape is different. So I'm not 100% balling because one, I've not done enough looking into it. [01:29:01] Speaker A: I've only seen that one video. [01:29:03] Speaker B: Compelling evidence that they potentially did a little switcheroo because of a lot of coincidences within it. [01:29:09] Speaker A: Having a system just theory alone sounds pretty believable, right? [01:29:12] Speaker B: It does, because I think money and also the biggest ship ever at that time, and it didn't make its first voyage. It seems like it would think if there's a known documented accident that caused damage to the. Is the hole the bottom bit? Yeah, that caused damage to the hole. [01:29:28] Speaker A: ICE cube. [01:29:28] Speaker B: I was a quick little paint job, went send it out, knowing it was never going to make the trip. And it's the same thing about 911, how Michael was meant to be on that flight. Warburg was going to be on that flight. Seth McFarland was going to be a flight. Oh, we go, oh, I didn't make it because I slept in and not. I was tipped off at the last. [01:29:47] Speaker A: Minute to stay the fuck away. [01:29:49] Speaker B: To stay away, because that's so much going to happen there. But it's not one I'm 100% all on. [01:29:54] Speaker A: But I think it's a fun one, though. It is an interesting one. [01:29:57] Speaker B: It's a fun one. Couple hundred people died, but it's a fun. [01:30:01] Speaker A: It was one of the interesting theories. I'm 65 35 on it, just off the theory alone. And the logic behind it. I'm down for it completely, pardon the pun. Again, I completely am up for believing it because at the end of the day, it was like, just like Morgan, these Rothschilds involved in that shit. Every one of America's elites, every one of the world's elites had a foot in that story. And I just think. I think the thing is as well, when the headline of the Titanic never sunk, people go, yeah, good luck. Because it's like, well, hang on. We're not saying nothing sunk. We're saying it wasn't the actual Titanic. [01:30:39] Speaker B: Actually the Titanic, but something sunk. [01:30:41] Speaker A: And that's when you go bazinga. It could be. [01:30:44] Speaker B: Don't reference that show. [01:30:45] Speaker A: I hate the show. [01:30:46] Speaker B: It's a bombing show. [01:30:47] Speaker A: Good reference. [01:30:47] Speaker B: But this is the thing. And we're going to have to do this on a part two because we've already massively run out. This is what I say we do. [01:30:53] Speaker A: We knew it. [01:30:54] Speaker B: Dun and Kanye. Whenever too much next episode. [01:30:57] Speaker A: No, but I still don't even think that's it. Because. [01:30:58] Speaker B: No, because there's still so many still. [01:31:00] Speaker A: Feel like I digested 30 minutes of P. Diddy knowledge and I've just basically waffled about stuff that I couldn't really remember. Yeah, we ain't even talking about industry plants. [01:31:12] Speaker B: No. [01:31:12] Speaker A: I mean, I want to go into religion controlling everybody. I want to go into hiding, cancer treatment. The royal family is hilarious enough anyway. But I might not even touch the royal family because everybody fucking knows that anyway. We weren't 911. I put as a joke because we all know. But the alien stuff, I want to go into so bad. The aliens, I want to go into aliens so badly. [01:31:31] Speaker B: But we didn't even like dark side of the talk. You could do two, three, four or 5 hours on the Illuminati unknown. And I can tell you who's in it. Who is it? Based on the symbolism that they put in their thingy, because it's the only way because of Hillary last point in it, obviously, everything getting leaked. They can't have paper trails of text, phones, calls, emails of going, hey, you up for this new da da? What are we going to be doing? So the way they do it is through their Instagrams, through their messages, to let you know to the others that are in the group, they go, oh, I know Sam's in as well because he's doing this. He's doing this. He's doing all the symbolism that we're involved with and also a part of Freemasonry. [01:32:10] Speaker A: Can't all sit there on talk shows and go, oh, you're in it, too. We know what to say to Jimmy Kimmel. [01:32:15] Speaker B: But there's a part of Freemasonry, obviously, which they're all very much members of called karmic retribution. And it's basically nothing bad happens to me if I tell you what I'm going to do or if I make my actions known. So the time when people go, but why would they make it so obvious? Why would they not hide it better? They're doing it on purpose because they have to tell you this is what I'm doing because it's part of their Masonic Bible. They go, I'm a music art. I'm kid blue. I'm a music artist. And I have to let you know this is what I've done and this is what I'm doing. And this is what you should believe. [01:32:50] Speaker A: Humiliation as well. [01:32:50] Speaker B: It's part of humiliation. It's to let other people know I'm part of it. And it's so nothing bad happens to me. I'm not hiding anything. [01:32:56] Speaker A: They can protect me once I've embarrassed myself. I'm not going to go into it. But one of the big things I remembered was I forgot what he's called. But the guy who was basically. P. Diddy's held that umbrella for P. Diddy all the time. Oh yeah, I'm talking about. And he basically would have been whatever P. Diddy wanted out of anyone, basically, let's say. And holding the umbrella thing was obviously just the symbolism for him being his little boy. Whatever he wants. So it's part of the embarrassment and the humiliation tactic, of course is it's. [01:33:28] Speaker B: Amazing that there's a whole part of like there's a million movies, documentaries of who killed Pac, who killed Biggie? He killed them both. Fun fact, Biggie was going to leave, it was obvious, after not ready to die. Whichever one his second album was, he was going to go and he was going to leave bad boy records and he was going to go elsewhere. I'll just go solo at that point. But who owns all Biggie's catalog and whatever paid it? It's puff. He owns all of it. And those lists when you see top ten richest rappers and he's like number. [01:33:58] Speaker A: Two fucking listed tune for like ten years. [01:34:02] Speaker B: He doesn't have two songs I could name. He does have two. He couldn't have three songs I could name. But that's the point that he's done it. [01:34:08] Speaker A: Obviously one of them is a fucking tribute to biggie. I'll be missing you. That's it really. [01:34:14] Speaker B: I'll be missing you. By the way, sorry. I killed you because I needed your catalog and your money. And I'm also the worst human in the. There's just. There's just countless. [01:34:25] Speaker A: And Tupac was getting too close. That's. That's the other thing. [01:34:27] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:34:28] Speaker A: Tupac was working a lot out and he was opening his mouth, and that was the big. [01:34:30] Speaker B: Because he spoke about that in his music about a lot of stuff where big. He was rapping about all the stuff. But Tupac was talking about the freedom of black people and of liberation and freedom of information and was talking about, this is how America acts. [01:34:44] Speaker A: But this is why the likes of Kendrick and people like that. Why do you think they disappear for ten years? [01:34:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:34:49] Speaker A: Makes you think, doesn't it? Which is why I have faith in Kendrick at the moment, Frank Ocean and the likes of the people that we love, but also piss us off for not releasing enough music. It makes feel a little bit better because the reason they're hiding is because they want nothing to do with it. [01:35:02] Speaker B: Yeah. I'll die on the hill, Kendrick Lamar, I will. Only because Peter Fountain, the whole thing. Only because I've listened to it a million times, as of you in Teapub to Bimba Butterfly. After every song, the interlude where it gets a little longer and he's talking about the evils of Lucy are all around me, obviously, the evils of Lucifer. And he's talking about saying he's seen all this when he's in Hollywood, and he talks about when he's in LA, and he's saying, what song is it? When he says, lucy can buy your house, buy your mama house, you can live at the mall. What song is that? [01:35:33] Speaker A: I know the lyric. I can't remember the song. [01:35:35] Speaker B: You can live in the mall. I can't think what it is now. [01:35:38] Speaker A: I can't. [01:35:38] Speaker B: But he's basically talking about all the obvious things that they're saying. I'll promise you that you worship me and change your whole image, and you're supporting this and you wearing horns and you Sam Smith it, then you can have everything, all the money. And he's saying no. And luckily for him, he's been big enough on his own merit. Well, obviously now he's at PG Lank. He has no one to answer to, not like at TDE. That's maybe what was going on. But now he doesn't have to follow any of that and he can just met his own rules. [01:36:05] Speaker A: This is the thing as well. And that's the one thing I wanted to end on as well. Is that a big thing? I'm thinking at the moment of what the Illuminati and whatever the powers that be are doing to push people off the scent a little bit is making it so relevant in pop culture at the moment. The likes, I think it's just stylish. [01:36:26] Speaker B: You go, of course, Doja. Just like that. [01:36:28] Speaker A: That's what I mean. Because I think it's like hiding in plain sight kind of vibe in it. It's the best way to know. You say the likes of the Sam Smiths, the Doja cats, the Lil Nas X. I mean, do you remember when Lil Nas X released his last tune? And for like, two weeks before, it was like, I'm about to fucking reveal everything and they're going to kill me and I'm gone independent and all this stuff. And it was just promo. It was just promo. [01:36:51] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. [01:36:51] Speaker A: But like, fantastic idea. Of course you're going to do that. But it's like the Illuminati going, do you know what? Actually, you speak about us and sound super ridiculous and it'll just push people. [01:37:00] Speaker B: Away from you 100%. Why? I saw someone ask this Dojan live, because her comments are just constantly, you sold out. I can't be doing this now. I'm pushing this. And it was her saying, of course I'm in the Illuminati. Because then people go, that's just her just playing. The best way to do it is just to directly say it, because if you try and hide around it, then people think you are. But if you're on the nose and it's one of them are waking up to now going, it's a double line. [01:37:24] Speaker A: Yeah, double entendre. [01:37:25] Speaker B: It's a double entendre. Because if you're saying, of course I am, they'll go, well, of course they're not. Do you know what I mean? [01:37:30] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [01:37:31] Speaker B: But it's the thing. [01:37:32] Speaker A: I also think that if I had a label and I'd never, ever been approached by the Illuminati and they were going, make a video with a devil in it, just for free promo, it would be free promo. [01:37:46] Speaker B: You'd also be like, that's not really my bag. [01:37:51] Speaker A: That's not my bag. But it's like the easiest promo at the moment. That's what I mean. And that's why everyone's using it and everyone's jumping on it. And I think it's doing whoever the powers that be are, a massive favor because it's just making a mockery of the whole thing. But that's just it, isn't it? Anyway, so I think, as we expected, we're going to probably have to do it again next week. [01:38:17] Speaker B: We'll do a part two, same time. I'm going to do like Song of the week, happy birthday, movie of the week, don't care. Yeah, get straight into it. [01:38:24] Speaker A: Well, because at the end of the day, you can never summarize what's wrong with the world in two hour and. [01:38:31] Speaker B: A half podcast, can you? [01:38:32] Speaker A: But at least like to try. [01:38:34] Speaker B: And you did a stellar job of it. [01:38:36] Speaker A: You did a stellar job of it. This is Liam's time to shine. [01:38:38] Speaker B: Anyway, I've still got so much more to mention. [01:38:40] Speaker A: Exactly. [01:38:41] Speaker B: You can imagine. [01:38:42] Speaker A: So thanks for sticking around. [01:38:44] Speaker B: You're looking at this camera and it's not even on. [01:38:47] Speaker A: Oh, I am. [01:38:47] Speaker B: Yeah, you got to address that one. Thanks for sticking around for our audio listeners, thanks for listening. [01:38:53] Speaker A: For our audio listeners, thanks for sticking around because you can't watch right now if you're listening. Camera one has died, so you're going to listen to my vocal outro. And unlike the child intro, you're going to get a classic one from me here. So thanks for listening on Spotify and all the streaming platforms. Please check out the YouTube versions as well because they're all popping up now eventually. Just kidding. Just love you a little. Just joking. Anyway, we're going to part two it, and if you enjoyed this one, let us know in all the comments and all of the TikTok posts and all of the clips, get involved. If we've missed any conspiracies, please pop them in because we've got another chance to go into them too. If you disagree with us, go for it. Everybody disagreed with us on the mason Greenwood stuff. [01:39:38] Speaker B: And everyone hates my pink hat. [01:39:39] Speaker A: Everyone hates Liam's pink. [01:39:40] Speaker B: Oh, we forgot to make a joke. [01:39:41] Speaker A: About the pink I was going to. [01:39:42] Speaker B: Make at the beginning. [01:39:43] Speaker A: Hilarious. [01:39:43] Speaker B: What did you find this week? Everyone hates me. Everyone on the Internet hates me also. [01:39:49] Speaker A: I'm just going to put it in there. [01:39:50] Speaker B: Beanies are meant to be that size. [01:39:52] Speaker A: It's called a fisherman. Beanie for one and two. Maybe watch the whole clip before you have an opinion. You know, the likes of like, oh, you're all lying, folks. You weren't even in the car. Oh, I kind of said that. But anyway, this is all not even on the main camera anyway, so I'm not going to bother. But anyway, thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. We're going to be back with very soon next week after a short break we had the last few weeks. Thank you. Good night. Everybody's. [01:40:28] Speaker B: Welcome to feel weight podcast.

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